Thursday, October 31, 2019

Logos and Pathos Appeals in Taking What is not There Essay

Logos and Pathos Appeals in Taking What is not There - Essay Example He aims to convince the affected communities along these water sources to organize and mobilize against taking more than what actual water levels are and to fight water pollution. Midkiff seeks to persuade people to conserve water and to ensure that politicians manage the waters more efficiently through equitable treatment of all users, and he effectively uses pathos and logos appeals, where he describes, compares and contrasts current and recommended systems that can improve water management and conservation, and uses irony and sarcasm to provoke a sense of urgency in attaining his rhetoric. In order to effectively persuade people to understand the gravity of the water management problems in the country, Midkiff uses description to show how serious America’s water problems are, with specifications for the Colorado River and Rio Grande. These specifications appeal to the rationality of the people, so that they will understand that their demand for water is way beyond the produ ction capacity of their water systems. For the Colorado River, Midkiff illustrates that the 1920s flow of the Colorado River is not the same as present times: â€Å"Recent estimates indicate that only 10 percent of the flows in the 1920s now reach the gulf, and this trivial amount is heavily polluted with agricultural runoff- pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizer† (2). ... ime the Rio Grande arrives at the International Bridge, it looks far from the lush and clean river its used to be: â€Å"The barely flowing water is a putrid greenish yellow, filled with herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers carried by the ‘return flows’ from irrigated cultural lands and with the polluted discharges of the maquiladoras (U.S. factories in Mexico)† (Midkiff 9). This description highlights how rivers die because of human-made pollution. Also, in both rivers, high water demand exerts too much pressure on these rivers. Midkiff says that when Rio Grande flows to Albuquerque, it almost dries completely, after it passes to numerous communities that use its water. The dryness of some parts of these rivers and the polluted waters indicate that the water systems of these communities are in danger. Midkiff effectively explains that if these waters are in danger, the people’s survival is in danger too. Midkiff uses comparing and contrasting approach o f different uses and solutions to the water problems to emphasize that only the people can organize to save their water resources, and this process combines appeals to logic and emotions. For Rio Grande, Midkiff compares and contrasts the difference between what the river can offer and what people demand for it. He stresses that the Lower Rio Grande Valley is â€Å"a shadow of its former self† (11). The Sabal Palms Refuge is already affected by falling water levels (Midkiff 11). The water levels are declining because of overappropriation and pollution, and by explaining how the river dries because of these factors appeals to logos. Aside from logos, Midkiff adds heart-wrenching images to tug people’s hearts. In the Sabal Palms Refuge, plants and animals are dying (Midkiff 11). The image of these living things

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Othello Essay Example for Free

Othello Essay The language of sin is not just Ð ° theologically freighted way of talking about morally bad acts; it points to Ð ° deeper flaw within human life as we experience it, Ð ° perversion of outlook and desire that we may come to recognise but cannot fully evade. Overview According to Ð ° view going back to Aristotle (and probably earlier); someone who acts out of Ð ° mistaken belief about Ð ° relevant matter of fact may not be morally culpable for what would otherwise be Ð ° bad action. For example, Ð ° doctor who administers an antibiotic without realising that his patient is allergic to it is not guilty of murder if the patient subsequently dies, assuming that the mistake in question is Ð ° good-faith error which the doctor could not have avoided (perhaps the patient neglected to give the correct information about allergies when asked to do so). In this kind of situation, ignorance of relevant facts would seem to render the act in question involuntary in Ð ° qualified respect that is to say, precisely considered as an act of murder. (Travitsky 184-96) And since we presuppose that someone is morally responsible only for her freely chosen actions, it follows that in these kinds of cases, the agent cannot be regarded as morally culpable for what is objectively Ð ° bad action. In the tragedy of Othello, many animal references are made by Iago to the people he disrespects. The purpose of Shakespeare depicting Iago as Ð ° character who perceives others as animals is to show his dominance and his representation of mankind, illustrating his superiority over others. The interpretation of Iago signifying mankind reveals another side of him, his bestial nature. (David et. All 1335-38) Discussion Aristotle apparently did not believe that the same line of analysis could be applied to someone who acts out of Ð ° mistaken moral view, and Aquinas and most other scholastic theologians would have agreed, albeit not always on Aristotelian grounds. 2 However, in recent years Ð ° number of moral theologians and some philosophers have argued that moral mistakes do obviate moral guilt that is, someone who acts out of Ð ° sincere but wrong belief that Ð ° given kind of action is morally permissible cannot be regarded as morally culpable for what she does, even if the act in question is in every other respect voluntary. Of course, if this extension of the Aristotelian argument is to be plausible, one would need to add that the mistake in question is not itself the result of prior wrong-doing, and that the agent has taken due care to form his conscience appropriately and to determine what he genuinely owes to himself, to other persons, and (perhaps) to non-human entities or to God. Given these qualifications, however, one might say, for example, that Ð ° doctor who kills her patient in the sincere but (let’s assume) mistaken belief that she is justified in thus ending his suffering is not subjectively guilty of murder. The agent freely commits, and is therefore morally responsible for, Ð ° kind of action that (by hypothesis) meets the objective criteria for murder; yet given that she acts out of Ð ° mistaken belief that the act in question is not morally wrong, she does not commit Ð ° voluntary act of murder, considered precisely as an act of wrongful killing. (Straznicky 104-34) This is at least Ð ° plausible view. It seems harsh to regard someone as morally guilty for an action carried out under the mistaken, yet sincere and conscientious belief that an act of the relevant kind is morally justified particularly when we reflect that none of us can be certain that our own moral beliefs are correct in every respect. What is more, this line of analysis seems to correspond to at least some widespread intuitions. I believe most people in industrialised societies would be prepared to take this line with respect to cases involving widely controversial and difficult issues, as presented, for example, by an act of euthanasia. However, in other kinds of cases, we may well balk at the conclusion that moral ignorance justifies Ð ° particular line of action. Imagine Ð ° doctor who kills her patient because he is an extremely unpleasant old man who is tormenting his family for no good purpose; what is more, he has left Ð ° large sum of money to Ð ° charity which desperately needs it. The doctor sincerely believes that the needs of this man’s relatives and the demands of the common good override her obligations not to kill, and she acts accordingly. (David et. All 1335-38) Analysis In response, it might be said that some moral norms are so obvious that no one could make Ð ° good faith mistake about them; thus, Ð ° mentally competent adult who genuinely does not know that murder is wrong must be guilty of (at least) culpable neglect. This argument fits well with what came to be the dominant scholastic view on ‘ignorance of the law’ with respect to the natural law that is to say, since the fundamental precepts of the natural law are in some sense innate, Ð ° competent adult cannot fail to grasp them unless she is guilty of some kind of prior wrong-doing or negligence. Some contemporary theologians extend this line of analysis as follows: Admittedly, some moral mistakes are ipso facto evidence of prior wrong-doing, negligence, or bad faith. Yet, at least with respect to the difficult and complex questions we face today, genuine, non-culpable moral mistakes are both possible and exculpating. (Travitsky 184-96) This line of analysis, in turn, lends credence to Ð ° widespread view according to which one’s moral status depends exclusively on the orientation of the agent’s will as expressed through her freely chosen actions (considered either singly, or as comprising an overall pattern of behaviour). Straznicky 104-34) On this view, Ð ° mistaken moral judgment, while regrettable, has no moral significance in itself. In the words of John Coons and Patrick Brennan, ‘It is, then, plainly plausible that while humans have Ð ° primary obligation to seek correct treatment of others (and self), their honest pursuit of that ideal effects whatever moral perfection is possible to the individual’. Certainly, it is true that Othello acts as he does out of Ð ° mistaken belief about Desdemona’s infidel ity. But I want to argue that this mistake alone would not account for his act, were it not for other mistaken beliefs he holds, at least one of which clearly concerns Ð ° moral principle. Before moving to that point, however, is it worth spending some time over Othello’s factual mistakes (I believe he makes more than one), seen in the context of what we are shown about his overall character and disposition. Even if we bracket the special difficulties raised by moral mistakes, the moral significance of mistaken beliefs is not as straightforward as we may assume or so Othello’s example would suggest. (Jane et. All 19-47) Othello’s story is Ð ° tragedy, and not just Ð ° very sad story, because it is the story of the destruction of Ð ° noble, deeply admirable man brought about through his own weaknesses, systematically exploited by Ð ° malicious enemy. In order for this story to have the force that it does, Shakespeare must first of all make it clear that Othello really is noble and deeply admirable. This point is sometimes obscured by the vulgar racist slurs directed against him by Iago and at least tacitly accepted by some of the other characters (see, for example, I. 1, 88–89). Yet isn’t this the kind of thing that we would expect Iago to say? Shakespeare takes pains to show that Othello himself does not fit the stereotypes of the lustful, rash and unthinking black man on which Iago trades. On the contrary when we first see him, in the encounter with Brabantio (Desdemona’s father), it is the latter that is rash and unthinking, not to say hysterical, whereas Othello is Ð ° model of self-restraint under extreme provocation (I. 2, beginning at line 58). He defends himself before the Venetian senate in terms of great dignity and candour, and his account of his love for Desdemona makes it clear that he truly does love her, just as her love for him is no girlish infatuation, but an intelligent response to his past sufferings and his noble character (I. , 129ff. ). His subsequent behaviour is that of Ð ° devoted husband who also bears Ð ° public trust, to which he properly gives priority with his wife’s full understanding and consent far from jumping into bed with his new bride, he sails to Cyprus and sees to preliminary arrangements for the defence and governance of the island, apparently before his marriage is ever consummated (I. 3, 260–79, and espec ially 299–300). Even Iago admits that left to him, Othello will most probably make Desdemona Ð ° good, loving husband (II. , 284–85). What is more, Othello is Ð ° seasoned general of many years’ experience, the best military mind available to the Venetians, someone whom they regard as worthy of unrestrained public trust this is no unsophisticated fool, but Ð ° mature, intelligent man at the height of Ð ° vital and demanding profession. And yet, this dignified and loving man is first reduced to Ð ° state of near-dementia, and then brought to Ð ° cool determination to kill his wife, through the machinations of Iago. In watching this process, it is difficult not to get caught up in the sheer fascination of Iago’s deliberate villainy how could anyone be so callous to every human feeling, so cheerfully calculating as he plans the destruction of those around him, so irredeemably evil? Confronted by such Ð ° spectacle, it is easy to overlook the fact that Othello’s transformation from Ð ° loving husband into Ð ° relentless avenger is, in its own way, almost as disturbing. (David et. All 1335-38) How can such Ð ° transformation take place? Of course, Othello is the victim of Ð ° deliberate deception, but that fact alone does not really answer the question, because it is by no means clear how Iago manages to convince Othello of Desdemona’s guilt after all, he has no actual evidence whatever, and not very much in the way of circumstantial evidence. What is more, even granting Othello’s conviction of Desdemona’s guilt, it would not be necessary for him to kill her he could banish her, as she pleads (V. 2, 79), or divorce her and send her back to her family. He might even forgive her and try to retrieve his marriage. (Straznicky 104-34) Thus, Iago’s malicious deception, while troubling in its own right, should not be allowed to obscure the puzzles presented by Othello’s own behaviour. Why is he vulnerable to Iago’s designs in the first place, and why does he react to Desdemona’s adultery (as he believes to be the case) in the way that he does? We must look for the answers to these questions in Othello himself. (David et. All 1335-38) One starting point immediately suggests itself. Why is it so easy for Iago to persuade Othello that his beloved Desdemona has committed adultery with his lieutenant Cassio? Shouldn’t Othello’s love for Desdemona which I believe we should take at face value have inclined him to resist, or even just to ignore, Iago’s insinuations? It might be said that Iago gets away with his plan so easily because Othello is so trusting, as Iago himself suggests as he notes, Othello has ‘Ð ° free and open nature’ and will believe what he is told (I. 3, 396–400). And indeed, once Iago (seemingly) begins to respond to his demands for proof, Othello never doubts him until confronted with unmistakable proof of his treachery. (Travitsky 184-96) Certainly, Othello places Ð ° remarkable degree of trust in Iago but it seems inaccurate to say that he is trusting without qualification. He does not trust Desdemona at all. Admittedly, he catches her in Ð ° lie over the handkerchief he gave her, but had he been so disposed, he could have seen this for what it is the self-protective lie of Ð ° flustered young woman (II. , 45–94). More tellingly, he does not trust Emilia when she insists, repeatedly and strongly, that Desdemona has never betrayed him, even though Emilia (Iago’s wife and Desdemona’s personal attendant) is in Ð ° better position than anyone else to know about her intimate activities (IV. 2, 1–24). It begins to look as if Othello is prepared to trust some, but not others in particular, he trusts men but he does not trust women. This suspicion is confirmed by his remarks about women, remarks which we know to reflect general Elizabethan attitudes that women are naturally lustful, cannot be relied upon to maintain chastity without continual supervision, and are sly and deceitful to boot (III. 3, 264–80). Various comments, together with the whole tenor of his behaviour towards Iago, suggest very different beliefs about at least some classes of men, namely frank, hearty types such as Iago, whom he regards as honest and worthy of trust (III. 3, 124, and especially 245).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Analyze The Performance Of Maybank Group Finance Essay

Analyze The Performance Of Maybank Group Finance Essay 3.1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the researcher will look at the history of Maybank group as a whole besides that, the researcher will also review and analyze the performance of Maybank group and also Islamic product that been offered by Maybank Islamic Berhad. COMPANY HISTORY 3.2.1 Maybank Maybank was incorporated on 31 May 1960 and began operations on 12 September in the same year, rising from the spirit of Independence to pave the way for dynamic change in the countrys banking and financial landscape. Our founders were visionary in their desire to see Maybank grow to excel both in the domestic market and in the region. Over the years, Maybank has led an aggressive drive to expand network and maximize reach. The Group has consistently set new benchmarks in product and service delivery by achieving many firsts in the industry such as rural credit scheme, cards services, corporate and investment banking, mobile banking services, internet banking and Islamic banking. Maybank operates through an extensive network of over 1,700 offices in 14 countries including 7 in South East Asia. The Group is represented in the major financial centres of London, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. 3.2.2 Maybank Islamic Maybank Islamic Berhad, a wholly-owned subsidiary and the Islamic banking arm of the Maybank Group, is the largest Islamic bank in Malaysia. It started its initial operations offering Islamic financial services through a window concept in 1993 and later converged to full-fledged Islamic banking operations on 1 January 2008. With a breadth of more than 17 years experience in the Islamic banking and finance, Maybank Islamic has been regarded as the leading Islamic bank in the Asia Pacific region and ranks among the worlds top 15 Islamic financial institutions. Today, Maybank Islamic proudly stands above its peers in the home market with Shariah-compliant assets of more than USD12 billion commanding significant market share in financing and deposits of over 24% and 21% respectively. Maybank Islamic believes that serving the needs of customers is a priority and as such it is committed to provide a wide array of Shariah-compliant financial products and services to suit its customers preference and choices. Apart from commercial banking offered by Maybank Islamic, Maybank Groups Islamic investment banking and capital market business are offered through Maybank Investment Bank and selected overseas offices in major financial centres of Bahrain, London, Singapore and the international offshore financial centre of Labuan. As an industry icon, Maybank Islamic is committed to scaling new heights as reflected in the way the Bank operates its business, the way its deliver products and services to customers and in the way the Bank engages more than 25,000 Maybankers across its home country as well as its business partners and stakeholders globally 3.3 OBJECTIVE OF ESTABLISHMENT The objectives of the establishment of Maybank Islamic Berhad are as follows: 1. To continues as a Market Leader in Islamic banking field in the aspect of products and services. 2. Introduced the financial product that is based on MM concept as a an alternative to current the BBA product 3. Introduced the financial product that is based on Ijarah Mutahiah Bittamlek 4. Introduced the management of investment in an Islamic way 5. Involved in asset management in an openly way 6. Introduced Islamic card credit 7. Actively involved in Murabahah commodity product BOARD OF DIRECTORS Dato Seri Ismail Shahudin Dato Seri Ismail Shahudin was appointed as a Director and Chairman of Maybank Islamic on 23 January 2010. He was Chairman of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad from 2004 until his retirement in July 2008. He has held senior positions in Citibank, serving both in Malaysia and New York, United Asian Bank and Maybank where he was appointed Executive Director in 1997. He left Maybank in 2002 to assume the position of Group Chief Executive Officer of MMC Corporation Berhad prior to his appointment to the Board of Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad. His current directorships in companies within the Maybank Group include as Director of Maybank Berhad. He serves as Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and as a member of the Credit Review, Risk Management, and Employee Share Option Scheme Committees of Maybank Berhad. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan bin A. Jalil Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan bin A. Jalil was appointed as a Director of Maybank Islamic on 23 January 2010. Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hadenan bin A. Jalil was Auditor General from 2000 to 2006. He served with the Government for 36 years in various capacities in the Treasury, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Works prior to his appointment as Auditor General. His current directorships in companies within the Maybank Group include as Director of Maybank Berhad. He serves as Chairman of the Audit Committee and as a member of the Credit Review, Nomination and Remuneration, and Employee Share Option Scheme Committees of Maybank Berhad. Zainal Abidin Jamal Zainal Abidin Jamal was appointed as a Director of Maybank Islamic on 23 January 2010. He is a practicing corporate and commercial lawyer and established his firm, Zainal Abidin Co, in 1987, where he is a Senior Partner. He was enrolled as an Advocate Solicitor of the High Court of Malaya in 1986. Between 1983 and 1986, he served as the Company Secretary of Harrisons Malaysian Plantations Berhad. Prior to that, he had practiced in Singapore where he was enrolled in 1980 as an Advocate and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore and had also served as a First Class Magistrate in Brunei Darussalam. His current directorships in companies within the Maybank Group include as Chairman of Mayban Trustees Berhad and Director of Maybank Berhad, a Director of Etiqa Insurance Berhad, Etiqa Takaful Berhad, Maybank International (L) Limited, and Mayban International Trust (L) Ltd. Datuk Dr. Syed Othman bin Syed Hussin Alhabshi Datuk Dr. Syed Othman bin Syed Hussin Alhabshi was appointed as a Director of Maybank Islamic on 30 January 2008. Datuk Dr. Syed Othamn has vast experience as an academician. He held various academic leadership and research post at International Islamic University of Malaysia, University Utara Malaysia, University Tun Abdul Razak and Institute of Islamic Understanding of Malaysia before he assumed responsibility as the Professor of Islamic Economics, Chief Academic Officer and Head of Takaful at International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance (INCEIF). Datuk Dr. Syed Othman is a director of Etiqa Takaful Berhad. He is also a director of Prima Prai Sdn Bhd, Epen Bina Sdn Bhd and Universiti Teknikal MARA Sdn Bhd. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES IN MAYBANK ISLAMIC Home Equity-i HomeEquity-i is a shariah compliant home financing plan based on the Musharakah Mutanaqisah or diminishing partnership concept. Maybank Islamic (the bank) and applicant enter into a joint partnership with bank to raise capital for acquiring a property. Both parties become joint property owners with shares allotment based on amount of capital contributed. Maybank Islamic releases its shares to applicant who gradually acquires banks ownership of the property with monthly payments made over an agreed time period thereby diminishing the banks share till property is fully owned by applicant. Home Fianancing -i BBA is defined as deferred payment sale. BBA involves the sale and purchase transactions between the bank and the customer. Under this concept, customers may defer total payment of asset which is the property in installments over a specific period of time. Fixed payment that shows exactly what customers need to pay throughout the tenure. useful for those working on a monthly budget. MaxiHome-i MaxiHome-i refers to Home Financing under Variable Rate Financing (VRF). Maxihome Loan Packages cater to the needs of individuals and small businesses, including financing the purchase of new properties, sub-sales, refinancing, redraws and remortgages. This product is applied under the concepts of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA). BBA is defined as deferred payment sale. BBA involves the sale purchase transactions between the bank and the customer. Under this concept, customers may defer total payment of the property in installments over a specific period of time. ShophouseEquity-i ShophouseEquity-i is a shariah compliant home financing plan based on the Musharakah Mutanaqisah or diminishing partnership concept. Maybank Islamic and applicant enter into a joint partnership with bank to raise capital for acquiring a property.Both parties become joint property owners with shares allotment based on amount of capital contributed. Maybank Islamic releases its shares to applicant who gradually acquires banks ownership of the property with monthly payments made over an agreed time period thereby diminishing the banks share till property is fully owned by applicant. Shop house Financing-i A fixed rate financing for shop houses currently being practiced under the concept of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA), Shop house Financing-i is recommended especially for homebuyers who prefer a fixed monthly budget where you know exactly how much to pay throughout the tenure, whether by a single instalment sum or in-line with the multi-tiered rates. MaxiShop-i MaxiShop-i refers to Shophouse Financing-i under Variable Rate Financing (VRF). MaxiShop Loan Packages catering to the needs of individuals and small businesses, including financing the purchase of new commercial properties, sub-sales, refinancing, redraws and remortgages. The scope of commercial properties under MaxiShop includes shop houses, shop offices, commercial lots in shopping complex, office lots, factories, industrial buildings. This product is applied under the concepts of Bai Bithaman Ajil (BBA). BBA is defined as deferred payment sale. BBA involves the sale purchase transactions between the bank and the customer. Under this concept, customers may defer total payment of the property in installments over a specific period of time. Variable Rate Financing (VRF) CASH LINE -i (OVERDRAFT) Murabahah  is another type of sale and purchase contract, with a deferred payment element. The contract of sale may take place when a buyer who wishes to purchase assets, requests the Bank to purchase assets at cost (purchase price) and in return the Bank will charge the buyer an agreed profit margin which is incorporated into the selling price. The selling price is subsequently payable on a deferred single payment. ExeCash-i Standard ExeCash-i Standard package is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Shariah principle of  Bai Inah  (sale with immediate repurchase).  Bai Inah  is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis. Under  Bai Inah  concept, Maybank Islamic will use its asset as an underlying asset for the sale and purchase transactions. ExeCash-i Special ExeCash-i Special package is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Syariah principle of  Bai Inah  (sale with immediate repurchase).  Bai Inah  is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis. ExeCash-i for GLC ExeCash-i for GLC is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Shariah principle of  Bai Inah  (sale with immediate repurchase).  Bai Inah  is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis. The  ExeCash-i for Government Linked Companies (GLC)  provides financing without collateral to meet any of your personal needs. KOWAMAS KOWAMAS is an Islamic Personal Term Financing under the Syariah principle of  Bai Inah  (sale with immediate repurchase).  Bai Inah  is a buy and sell contract whereby Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would sell its assets to the applicant on deferred payment basis. Subsequently, Maybank Islamic (the Bank) would buy back the same asset from the applicant at a lower price on cash basis.The personal financing package for  Koperasi Wawasan Malaysia Berhad (KOWAMAS)  provides financing without collateral to meet any of your personal need. Hire Purchase-i Hire Purchase-i is based on the underlying Shariah principle of Al-Ijarah Thumma Al-Bai (AITAB). It means leasing and subsequent purchase. It refers to 2 contracts undertaken separately and consequentially i.e.  Al-Ijarah  contract (leasing) and  Al-Baicontract (purchase). It is an extension of the principle of  Al-Ijarah  whereby both parties further agreed that at the end of the lease period, the customer will purchase from the Bank the asset concerned at an agreed price with all the lease rentals previously paid constituting part of the price. Operations of Hire Purchase-i are based on Hire Purchase Act 1967 whereby all provisions that conform to Shariah requirement are applicable. Maybankinvest-i Maybankinvest-i is an alternative Share Trading / Financing package from Maybank that is based on the Shariah principle of Murabahah. Under this contract, Maybank agrees to finance your share trading activities in approved Shariah counters listed in Bursa Malaysia. ASB Financing-i ASB Financing-i is another form of term financing to purchase ASB unit trust based on Shariah principles of  Bai Inah  (sales with immediate repurchase) 3.6 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF MAYBANK ISLAMIC BERHAD The performance of Maybank Islamic Berhad are analyzed from the information that have been obtained from overall performance data of Maybank Maybank Islamic just been setup recently , thus the performance will be measured along with the parent company, all of the performance regarding loan that had been published and other information are depend from the performance of Maybank. The only thing that is separated is total net income and operational income of a Maybank Islamic  [1]  . The analyses that have been done by the researcher are from the analysis of a Maybank itself. It includes various information of a bank performance as a whole that gave a clearer picture about the important information regarding total asset, total liability, total loan and various more. Besides that, there is also analysis of a statement of income that includes the performance of Maybank Islamic. 3.6.1 Total Assets  [2]   For the financial year ended 30 June 2010, outstanding assets of the Group expanded by 8.4% or RM26.0 billion resulting the total asset of group at RM 336,700 Million while at the Bank level, it increased 4.2% or RM10.1 billion to record an amount of RM 248,392 Million . For the previous year, the corresponding growth rates were 15.5% at Group level and 8.7% at Bank level. The bulk of the Groups growth in assets was derived from the expansion of net loans and advances which grew by RM19.8 billion or 10.6% and RM7.0 billion or 4.9% for the Group and the Bank respectively. As at end of June 2010, net loans and advances represented 61.0% of total Group assets, higher than the 59.8% as at the end of June 2009. 3.6.2 Securities purchased under resale agreements  [3]   Securities purchased under resale agreements are securities which the Group and the Bank had purchased with a commitment to resell at future dates. The commitments to resell the securities are reflected as assets on the balance sheet. Conversely, obligations on securities sold under repurchase agreements are securities which the Group and the Bank had sold from its portfolio, with a commitment to repurchase at future dates. Such financing transactions and corresponding obligations to purchase the securities are reflected as liabilities on the balance sheet. As at end June 2010, the Group held RM371.2 million of securities purchased under resale agreements. 3.6.3 Deposits and Placements with Financial Institutions  [4]   The Groups deposits and placements with financial institutions grew by RM2.6 billion to RM8.9 billion or 41.5% as Customer deposits growth outpaced the growth in loans and advances. 3.6.4 Life, General Takaful and Family Takaful Fund Assets  [5]   After a growth of 7% or RM1.1 billion in the previous year, this balance sheet item grew by a similar 7% to RM18.0 billion as at end of June 2010 3.6.5 Securities Portfolio  [6]   The investment securities portfolio of the Group decreased by RM3.6 billion or 6.2% mainly due to a reduction of shorter tenor Available-for-Sale holding (RM5.2 billion) as interest rates were expected to rise in the first half of 2010. Securities Held-for-Trading increased by RM1.2 billion which was partially offset by the reduction in Available-for-Sale portfolio. Around 79% of the securities portfolio comprised of securities Available-for-Sale and further 16.5% securities Held-to-Maturity while 4.9% of the securities portfolio is Held-for-Trading. 3.6.6 Loans, Advances and Financing  [7]   The Groups net loans and financing for financial year of 2010 expanded by 10.6% or RM19.8 billion compared to 12.9% or RM21.2 billion the previous financial year. The Groups gross loans grew 10.3% compared to 13.0% the previous year with domestic and overseas loans growth of 11.0% and 8.8% respectively. The domestic operations growth of 11.0% was better than the 6.5% recorded in the previous year as consumer loans expanded by 15.0% on the back of the RM3.3 billion or 28.6% growth in securities loans, mainly for the purchase of relatively low-risk Amanah Saham Bumiputera units, and the RM2.6 billion or 13.2% increase in vehicle loans. The Groups overall domestic loans market share stood at 17.6% compared to 17.8% the previous year. Mortgage loans grew by RM3.1 billion or 9.8% compared to 3.3% in the previous year with market share at 13.4% compared to 13.9% the previous year. Credit card receivables for the financial year rose RM0.6 billion or 16.0%, outperforming the industrys 11.3% growth leading to market share rising to 12.8% from 12.7% the previous year. Automobile financing for domestic operations recorded a growth of 12.2% compared to 11.0% in the previous financial year and outperformed the industrys growth of 8.5%. With growth exceeding the industry, the market share for financing of motor vehicles rose to 17.4% from 16.8% in June 2009. As at June 2010, the overseas operations loan book accounted for 32.3% of the Groups loan base from 32.8% in the previous year. The gross loans book for Singapore recorded a growth of 3.4% or RM1.3 billion after registering a growth of 6.2% in 2009. While for Indonesia, mainly due to Bank Internasional Indonesia, gross loans grew 37.7% or RM4.7 billion to RM17.1 billion. In the other overseas locations, total gross loans declined 3.7% or RM0.4 billion mainly due to the reduction in loan exposure in the US and United Kingdom following the financial crisis. The Groups Islamic gross financing and advances grew by 31.2% or RM8.2 billion during the year. Islamic banking constitutes a growing portion of the Groups banking business, accounting for 16.3% of gross loans and financing from 13.7% the previous year. Islamic gross financing accounted for 24.0% of domestic gross loans, rising from 20.3% recorded in the previous year. Sustained efforts implemented to continuously improve asset qual ity have been effective. The Groups gross NPL ratio declined to 2.9% from 3.5% the previous year. The Groups net NPL ratio declined to 1.2% from 1.6% the previous year. The Groups net NPLs declined by RM0.5 billion to RM2.3 billion as at June 2010. The Groups NPL reserve cover (net of IIS) rose to a healthy 124.5% compared to 112.9% the previous year. 3.7 Deposits from Customers  [8]   The Groups customer deposits expanded by 11.4% or RM24.3 billion to RM236.9 billion while at the Bank level it grew by RM7.3% or RM11.9 billion to RM175.4 billion. The Groups strong franchise contributed to a growth of 9.1% for demand deposits and 9.9% for savings deposits. The Banks domestic operations remained the leader in both demand and savings deposits with market shares of 20.7% and 27.4% compared to 21.3% and 26.6% respectively in the previous year. Fixed deposits grew by 10.0% compared to 12.3% in the previous year. The Groups overall deposit funding mix improved slightly as the Groups higher cost fixed deposits declined to 55.1% of total customer deposits from 55.8% in June 2009 3.6.8 Deposits and Placements of Financial Institutions  [9]   This item fell by 19.2% or RM5.5 billion due to increase in deposits from customers (RM24 billion) which resulted in less sourcing of funds from interbank market. 3.6.9 Shareholders Equity  [10]   The Groups shareholders equity rose by 12.0% or RM3.0 billion to RM27.9 billion. The increase was mainly due to increase in retained profits for the year. 3.6.10 Net Interest Income  [11]   Net interest income of the Group increased by RM851.4 million or 14.4%. The average net interest margin was 2.82% from 2.72% the previous year due to lower interest expenses in the Malaysian operations, especially interest expenses from fixed deposits, and lower interest expenses in the Singapore operations as well as full year contribution from Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) for financial year of 2010. 3.6.11 Islamic Banking  [12]   Net income from the Groups Islamic banking operations increased by RM210.4 million or 17.2% to RM1.4 billion. The increase was mainly due to growth of assets in Islamic business, specifically hire purchase and residential mortgages. 3.6.12 Overhead Expenses  [13]   The Groups overheads expenses rose by RM852.9 million or 15.3% over that of the corresponding year as a result of an increase in personnel cost, full-year contribution from BII and expansion of BII, higher establishment costs, and credit card related expenses due to higher transaction, volume. The Groups cost to income ratio declined to 49.8% from 52.8% previously as net income growth outpaced the growth in expenses. Personnel costs increased by RM364 million or 14.3% due to an increase in salary, EPF, bonus and training. Establishment costs increased by RM66.2 million as a result of higher cost from depreciation and rental. On a comparable basis, the Groups adjusted cost to income ratio (without insurance claims and unrealised loss) would be 47.8% against 49.1% for the previous financial year. 3.6.13 Loan and Financing Loss and Provisions  [14]   Loan loss and provisions of the Group amounted to RM1.2 billion, which is RM510.8 million or 30.1% lower than that of the previous year. This decrease was primarily due to high general provisions made in the final quarter of financial year end of 2009 resulting from the weak global economic situation. 3.6.13 Taxation  [15]   The effective tax rate of the Group is 26.1% which is higher than the statutory rate of 25% mainly due to non-deductible expenses. 3.7 CONCLUSION From the analysis it clearly shows that the financial performance of Maybank Islamic experienced a strong growth. The increasing of the loan product especially individual loan and also with the stable increase of total income after tax , in addition to that the reducing of non performing loan portrayed the growth of Maybank Islamic especially their financial performance . According to a rough estimation from the analysis, it clearly shows that Maybank Islamic can compete with other Islamic banking institution. Based on the total asset that is increasing yearly and non performing loans that are reducing, it portrayed that the total net asset of Maybank Islamic are going stronger. Besides that, the increasing of individual loan shows that this institution gaining the trust of the community. Although there is a slight fall in Islamic deposit, but it is mainly because of Islamic debt and sukuk debt that occur outside of the country resulting the cost of fund to increase, and it is not because of a belief of a people about Islamic product offered by Maybank Islamic are not interesting enough. As a conclusion, Maybank Islamic Berhad has a strong position in their field as their finance and asset position are really good.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Manipulative Advertising Essay -- essays research papers

Manipulative Advertising According to Tom L. Beauchamp, manipulative advertising â€Å"limits free and informed action† (472). It is sort of like convincing customers to purchase something, but it is based on incorrect or inconclusive information. â€Å"Advertisers use attractive rates, enticing images, and a variety of forms of suggestion to hinder or block reasoned choice† (479). One example is â€Å"phony discounting where retailers present fake percentage markdown from suggested retail prices that are imaginary or artificially inflated† (472). The customers are mislead into thinking they are actually receiving a bargain.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Use advertisements to manipulate people is sinister because â€Å"normal† people’s freedom to choose freely is taken away. The important thing to remember is that it is not what was said and or done by the advertiser, but how a person (people) respond to what is trying to influence them. It is somewhat like lying, but it is the truth stretched out so far that it never seems to reach a lie. Some advertisers do lie and are held accountable in the sense that their business suffers because of it, but for the most part manipulative advertising is very common and well practiced especially in the United States.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A very sad point concerning manipulative advertising is that advertisers, advertise to everyone including those very vulnerable people. Children as well as those with a weak state of mind, such as the ment...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How I Met Myself

How I Met Myself Q: Based on the novel above, describe the main character. Answer with evidence. Ans: The main character in the novel ‘How I Met Myself‘ is John Taylor. He is a 34-year-old-Englishman living and working in Hungary. He is 2 meters tall with light brown hair and eyes and a moustache. Taylor is adventurous and eager to try something new. He is a computer programmer who takes a job in another country, especially in one which he has never visited before, because he thinks it will be interesting. He takes Hungarian lessons from a girl named Andrea.They fall in love and get married. Later, they also have a daughter whom they name Kati. Taylor is also curious and determined to understand the strange meeting that took place on 18 January. He feels afraid whenever he thinks of the strange encounter but his curiosity pushes him to seek answers. Q : Based on the novel above, describe one of the following moments in the story, answer with evidence. – the most fr ightening – the saddest Ans : The most frightening part in the novel ‘How I Met Myself’ is when the main character, John Taylor meets himself.The incident happens one evening when a man comes out of a street door and runs straight into Taylor. It is eerie that when the man apologises and Taylor looks at his face, he sees someone who looks just like him. He has the same features as Taylor. Even more puzzling as well as intriguing is that there are no footprints on the snow left by the man. Taylor follows the man but discovers no one has seen him. He seems to have simply vanished. Taylor’s life changes after that strange encounter as he begins to have dreams about the meeting. It is frightening because he has to relieve the experience over and over again.He also always wakes up feeling afraid. Taylor cannot understand the meaning of the strange meeting which only makes it intriguing. Q : Based on the novel above, describe an important event which changes the main character’s life, answer with evidence. Ans : In the novel ‘How I Met Myself’ the life—changing event for John Taylor is when he meets himself during one cold January evening, A man runs into Taylor and he looks just like him. The strange meeting is both confusing and frightening for Taylor. Taylor’s life changes after the strange event.He dreams about the encounter every night. He gets up in the dark feeling afraid every night. At times, when he does not go back to sleep after dreaming, he lays awake. He grows more and more tired. He even isn’t nice to his wife, Andrea. He also isn't honest with her. He does not tell her that he is arriving home late every night. Andrea also notices the change in his attitude and she is unhappy, Even his work life is affected. He finds it difficult to think about the things he has to do. Soon, Taylor is afraid to go home and sleep because he is afraid he will dream the same dream.He no longer has a sim ple and happy life with his wife like he did before the strange meeting. Q : Based on the novel above, describe the relationship between two characters, answer with evidence. Ans: In the novel ‘How I Met Myself’, the two characters I would like to write about are John Taylor and his wife, Andrea. Taylor and his wife share a close and loving relationship. Andrea notices a change in her husband’s attitude. She feels hurt and upset. Taylor loves Andrea very much and fees terrible that he has been hurting her. At first, Taylor does not tell his wife about his strange meeting and his recurring dreams.However, when he does, she wants to help him find answers to his questions about the strange encounter. Taylor soon begins to feel more hopeful for the future once Andrea knows the truth. They work together to find information about the man’s identity. Even though, they learn nothing from talking to the people living in the buildings where the strange meeting took place, the fact that Andrea knows about the strange meeting is comforting to Taylor. His life returns to what it was before. Soon, they discover they will have a baby.Q : Based on the novel above, write about a conflict between the characters, answer with evidence. Ans: In the novel ‘How l Met Myself’ conflict arises between Taylor and his wife, Andrea, because of the strange events that happened to Taylor that turned his life upside down. Andrea is first unhappy with Taylor’s change in attitude. Once she knows what is troubling him, she helps to investigate. However, Taylor continues to dream about the strange meeting and wants to know the truth. In doing so, he spends less time with Andrea and his daughter He also does not tell her that he goes to the ibrary to read old newspapers to find clues that can help him make sense of his strange meeting. When she finds out, she is angry and does not want to help him anymore. Andrea fails to understand that her husband wants to be free of the dreams. The story of the doppelganger may seem impossible in the normal world so she finds it hard to believe her husband. She grows tired of his doppelganger story and wants him to think about taking care of his family. The doppelganger and Taylor’s quest to find answers seem to drive a wedge between Taylor and Andrea. Later, she even thinks he is ill and needs a doctor's help.Q: Based on the novel above, write about an important event/s in one of the character’s life, answer with evidence. Ans: In the novel ‘How l Met Myself’ the most important event occurs when John Taylor discovers more about what happened to him one cold January evening when he met himself. It is called a doppelganger. Taylor realizes that he had met his doppelganger that evening. Then, after talking to his old friend, he realizes he is not crazy and what happened to him has happened to other people. His friend tells him that a doppelganger comes to give a mess age to the person who can see him.After New Year, Taylor realizes that the one year anniversary of the strange meeting is drawing near. Then, an idea comes to him. He realizes that the date is important. This is the reason he has never met himself again after the first meeting. Taylor begins to investigate all the events that took place on that day in the past. He looks at some old newspapers to find out if there was any event that could help him understand what is happening to him. These separate events which occurred after the first strange meeting were important to help Taylor understand, at least a little, what he experienced.Q: Based on the novel above, write about a quality which you like in a character, answer with evidence. Ans : In the novel ‘How l Met Myself’ I like the determination shown by John Taylor. Even though the strange meeting is puzzling and he is afraid about what he is experiencing, he wants to learn more about it. He does not know what frightenin g revelation may be in store if he uncovers the truth but it is better than doing nothing. He does some research like reading old newspapers and with his wife talks to people near the location of the strange meeting to find out the identity of the man.He also confides in his old friend about his experience. All along, after the first strange meeting, he still has dreams about the encounter which leaves him afraid to sleep and more and more tired. His life is turned upside down with a few happy moments such as the birth of his first child. However, the dreams come back to haunt him. Taylor's determination to seek the truth probably helped him maintain his sanity and peace of mind. Q: Based on the novel above, write about your favourite part in the novel, why do you like this part? Answer with evidence.Ans: My favourite part in the novel ‘How I Met Myself is when Taylor finds relevant information that can help him understand what happened to him. He reads about a story where a w oman and a child died in a cellar of a building in Gergely utca which was hit by a Russian bomb. The tragedy occurred on 18 January which was the same date that Taylor met himself. The doppelganger comes out of a building in Felka utca and runs to Gergely utca. This part is interesting because this information also sheds some light on Taylor‘s doppelganger.Taylor talks to several people to enquire about the name Szabo. An old woman tells Taylor about Janos Szabo and the tragedy which befell his wife and daughter. There are several similarities between Taylor and Janos Szabo. It is at this time that Taylor realizes his doppelganger wants to help him but he is still puzzled why he appears to look like him. I like this part as it gives me clues to solve the mystery surrounding the doppelganger. I realize that Taylor’s wife, Andrea, and his daughter are in danger. Q: Based on the novel above, do you like the ending of the novel?Answer with evidence. Ans: I like the ending i n the novel ‘How l Met Myself’. This is mainly because it has a happy ending. The story reaches a suspenseful moment when Taylor realizes that Janos Szabo is Hungarian for John Taylor. Taylor and his doppelganger share the same. Then, he discovers that Janos Szabo‘s wife and daughter were also named Andrea and Kati respectively. Then, on 18 January. Andrea leaves a note saying that she and Kati will be at the bar. Taylor runs to get them but there is a blast. Taylor arrives at the bar and frantically tries to clear the entrance.However, he is told to go home so the authorities can clear the debris. Taylor feels terrible that he was too interested in the doppelganger and not on what he wanted to tell him. He thinks his life is destroyed and that he will never be happy again without his wife and daughter. I feel terrible for Taylor, too, because he could not save his family. Unexpectedly the doppelganger appears to him again and points to Andrea and Kati. Taylor is so happy. The ending is happy and bittersweet too because Szabo, unable to save his own wife and daughter, in the end helped to save Taylor’s wife and daughter.Q: Based on the novel above, write about an unexpected twist in the story, answer with evidence. Ans: In the novel ‘How l Met Myself’ an unexpected twist comes towards the end of the story when the doppelganger appears to someone close to Taylor to give that person an important message. He wants to save Andrea and Kati’s lives because Taylor has not been able to understand or act upon the earlier warnings. After the blast, Taylor walks home, thinking that his wife and daughter have just died in the cafe. Suddenly, he bumps into his doppelganger.The doppelganger points to Andrea and Kati. Taylor is so happy to be reunited with his family. On three previous occasions, the doppelganger appears to Taylor as he (the doppelganger) runs out of Felka utca. He, then, appears in front of Andrea and Kati to wa rn them. Andrea thinks John is blocking their way but when Kati begins to cry she realizes that it is his doppelganger. He wants them to leave the place so they do. Janos Szabo enters Taylor and his family’s life to save them. He lost his family too and probably does not want someone else to suffer like he did.Q: Based on the novel above, write about an interesting character that you admire. Answer with evidence. Ans: An interesting character that l admire is Andrea Taylor from the novel How I Met Myself. She is a loving and understanding wife. She always puts her family’s needs ahead of everything else. She takes good care of her husband, John and their daughter, Kati. She works hard as a teacher, putting in many hours of work at home as well as giving classes outside the home. When she loses her teaching job at the bank, she takes up Zsolt’s offer to help out at the cafe. Her daughter Kati is always with her.In the beginning, she tries to be supportive and und erstanding regarding John's preoccupation with his doppelganger but she soon grows tired and annoyed with John. She sees this as a waste of time, time that can be better spent with his family. Still, no matter how angry she is with her husband, she remains a loyal partner and carries on with her duties as a good wife and mother. When the doppelganger appears to her at the entrance of the cafe, she is not afraid. She also does not ignore his warning, remembering everything that John has shared with her about Janes Szabo.This saves her and Kati from the explosion at the cafe. Q: Based on the novel above, describe the most interesting event you found in the story. Answer with evidence. Ans: The event that I find the most exciting in the novel How I Met Myself is at the very end of the novel, when the explosion at the cafe takes place. John rushes over to the cafe, thinking that Andrea and Kati are there, but upon reaching Felka utca, he hears an explosion. John frantically tries to dig them out of the rubble, with the help of the passers-by. But when the police and firemen arrive, they stop him as it is too dangerous for him to do so.He is told to go home and wait for news about his wife and child. As he is walking home, feeling devastated as he is so sure that he has lost his wife and child, he sees his doppelganger. Janos points to the end of the street. John looks up and sees Andrea and Kati. He is overjoyed. Janos, the doppelganger, has saved their lives. Q: Based on the novel above, write a lesson you have learnt from the novel. Answer with evidence. Ans: The lesson I have learnt from How I Met Myself is that one must be persistent in seeking the truth about something that we wish to understand.John remains persistent in trying to find out more about his doppelganger throughout the novel. He cries his best to make his wife understand the importance of his quest. He doesn't give up easily even though he faces many challenges. Andrea becomes angry and annoyed with him as a result of all the time he spends researching about his doppelganger. This puts his marriage in trouble. But John is determined to carry on as he knows that it is important for him to understand the reason behind meeting his doppelganger, not just for him, but for his wife and child too.His persistence pays off in the end when he learns about Janos Szabo's sad story. Q: Based on the novel above, write a character that you dislike the most. Answer with evidence. Ans: The character I dislike in the novel How I Met Myself is Andrea Taylor. Although for the most part she is a loyal and loving wife, there are times when she does not support or try to understand her husband's predicament. Her husband, John Taylor, is convinced that his doppelganger has an important message to convey to him, most likely involving his wife and child. Therefore, he is determined to find the identity of his doppelganger.Unfortunately, Andrea fails to understand this and gets annoyed with him. She refuses to listen to any more stories about the doppelganger which in the end forces John to investigate the matter in secret. This causes a rift in their marriage. It is ironic that it is the doppelganger who saves her and her child's life at the end of the story. Q: Based on the novel above, write why you find the novel interesting. Answer with evidence. Ans: I find this novel interesting as it explores the subject of doppelgangers. One snowy night, while walking home from work, John Taylor is knocked over by a stranger in the streets.The man turns around to apologise and to John's surprise the man looks exactly like him. From this point on, the story gets even more interesting. John tries to find out more about his double. He soon stumbles upon an article on doppelgangers and is then convinced that the man he saw in the streets that fateful night is indeed his doppelganger. It is said that a doppelganger usually appears to give advice or present a warning to the person it appear s to. In the end, it is revealed that John's doppelganger did indeed appear to warn him of the impending danger that involve his wife, Andrea, and his daughter, Kati.Andrea and Kari are saved from the explosion at the cafe thanks to the doppelganger. Q: Based on the novel above, write about a theme in the story. Answer with evidence. Ans: One of the themes in the novel How I Met Myself is love. John Taylor's love for his wife and daughter spur him on to find out more about his doppelganger and the massage that the doppelganger is trying to convey to him. John realises that it is something important, not only for him, but for his family. The doppelganger, Janos Szabo, lost his wife and child in a tragic bombing during the war.The doppelganger does not want the same devastating fate to befall John. In the end, John's wife and child are saved from the explosion at the cafe with the doppelganger’s help. Q: Based on the novel above, write about why you like or dislike the ending. Answer with evidence. Ans: I like the happy ending in the novel How I Met Myself. Andrea and Kari are saved from the explosion at the cafe. The doppelganger, Janes Szabo, saves them by warning them not to go into the cafe, John, who initially thinks that he has lost his wife and child, is overjoyed to discover that they are safe.He would have been deeply devastated if he lost them. Q: Based on the novel above, write about what happened to the protagonist or main character at the end of the story. Answer with evidence. Ans: The main character, John Taylor, meets his doppelganger at the very beginning of the story. He is deeply disturbed by this meeting and he is determined to find out the reason why his doppelganger has appeared to him. He realises at the end of the story that his doppelganger had come to warn him of the impending danger to his wife and child.As a result, his wife and child are saved. Q: Based on the novel above, write about the plot in the story. Answer with evidenc e. Ans: On a snowy evening, John Taylor is on his way home from the office when a man runs into him and knocks him over. The man turns to apologise and John is shocked to see that the man looks exactly like him. The double rushes off leaving no footprints in the snow. John tries to look for the man but he has somehow mysteriously disappeared. From this point on, John becomes almost obsessed with finding out more about his double and why he has met him.From his findings, John learns that the man he saw was his doppelganger and that meeting his doppelganger was no accident. His doppelganger had a very important message for him, that is to warn him of impending danger. In the end, John learns that the doppelganger has saved the lives of his wife and child and he is extremely grateful. Q: Based on the novel above, write about the positive influence that a character has on another character in the novel. Answer with evidence. Ans: The doppelganger, Janos Szabo, has a positive influence o n John Taylor. The doppelganger tries to help John by warning him of impending danger.As a result of his doppelganger’s appearance, John learns the meaning of determination and perseverance in his quest to uncover the identity of his doppelganger. He faces many obstacles before he succeeds in doing so. Finding out more about his doppelganger also helps John realise how important his family is to him. When he mistakenly thinks that his family has died in the explosion, he is truly devastated. This makes him appreciate them all the more when he realises that they are alive after all. Q: Based on the novel above, write about the relationship between two characters in the story.Answer with evidence. Ans: In the beginning of the story, John and Andrea have a very close and loving relationship. But once the doppelganger appears to John and he becomes almost obsessed with finding out whatever he can about the doppelganger, Andrea grows annoyed and angry with John. She feels that he should be spending more time with his family. Their marriage becomes strained. Towards the end of the novel, John and Andrea are barely on speaking terms. But, when the doppelganger appears to Andrea and saves her and Kati from the explosion at the cafe, things between John and Andrea get bette

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Things I Learned About Writing from Grammarly

5 Things I Learned About Writing from Grammarly 5 Things I Learned About Creative Writing from Using Grammarly Martin Cavannagh is a writer and member of the Reedsy team. When he's not writing blog posts about publishing, he can be found scrawling short stories and writing screenplays in his free time.Spelling and grammar checkers have come a long way since the early days of Microsoft Word. Back then, we would learn to hate the green squiggly line that appeared under sentences - along with cryptic suggestions for improving your document - to the point where we’d turn off the grammar check to preserve our sanity.One of the most prominent online writing services emerging in recent years is Grammarly. It’s an app that integrates into your browser, allowing it to scrutinize the spelling and grammar in your tweets, Facebook updates, and emails. You can tweak the software to what you’re writing, tailoring it for US or UK English, for example. It will also vary its suggestions depending on whether you’re writing a blog, an essay, or a medical journal.Full disclosure: Re edy has recently become an affiliate of Grammarly - however, that has given us a chance to test drive it for the past month. In fact, this post is currently being checked using their service. And while I doubt automated grammar checkers can replace the job of a proofreader anytime soon - it has had the unexpected benefit of allowing me to examine my writing tics and improve my natural writing style.So, based on my everyday use of the app, this is what I’ve learned in the past month:1. Don’t rely on passive voiceThat's one of the most common ‘complaints‘ I get from Grammarly. And while it isn’t necessary to eradicate all instances of passive voice, it can often improve your writing. One of the most useful things I find with using Grammarly is its constant reminder to get to the point and not get bogged down by wordiness.Long sentences are not necessarily a bad thing, and sometimes entirely required. But as the Grammarly app points out, â€Å"the average number of words per sentence should range somewhere from eight (very easy) to twenty (somewhat difficult) words per sentence. Sentences longer than thirty words are often very difficult to follow.†So unless you’re the ghost of David Foster Wallace, you may wish to break long sentences into a series of shorter ones. Also, by varying their lengths, you can create a much more satisfying reading experience. We’ve heard it said that you should ‘write music’ - meaning that the rhythms and changing pace should be as important as what the words mean.It’s worth noting that Grammarly is incredibly helpful for writing emails and letters. I would go so far as to say it can even aid y ou in polishing a draft of the book you’re writing. I would not, however, recommend using it to write your first draft. Editing-as-you-go can often hamper your productivity and break up the flow of ideas, which is crucial when you’re in the process of â€Å"creating.†And while writing software has become incredibly sophisticated - it has yet to reach the point of being able to replace a professional proofreader. And until we get to that point, it’s always worth considering getting a qualified pair of eyes to look through your manuscript before publication.Do you use a program to help you sharpen your prose? If so, we’d love to find out about it and hear about your experience. Share your thoughts, comments, and questions in the box below.

Monday, October 21, 2019

1964 Storm Essays

1964 Storm Essays 1964 Storm Essay 1964 Storm Essay Dhanushkodi has the only land border between India and Sri Lanka which is one of the smallest in the world just 50 yards in length on a sand dune in Palk Strait. Before the 1964 cyclone, Dhanushkodi was a flourishing tourist and pilgrimage town. Since Ceylon now Sri Lanka is just 18 miles away, there were many weekly ferry services between Dhanushkodi and Thalaimannar of Ceylon, transporting travellers and goods across the sea. There were hotels, textile shops and dharmashalas catering to these pilgrims and travellers. The Railway line to Dhanushkodi–which did not touch Rameshwaram then and destroyed in the 1964 cyclone-went directly from Mandapam to Dhanushkodi. Dhanushkodi in those days boasted of a railway station, a small railway hospital, a post office and some state government departments like fisheries etc. It was here in this island in January 1897, Swami Vivekananda after his triumphant visit to the west to attend parliament of religions held in USA in September 1893, set his foot on Indian soil from Columbo. Before the storm, there was a train service up to Dhanushkodi called Boat Mail from Madras Egmore Now Chennai Egmore and the train linked to a steamer for ferrying travellers to Ceylon. During the 1964 storm a huge wave of about 20Â  ft came crashing on the town from Palk Bay/Strait east of the town and destroyed the whole town, a passenger train, and the Pamban Rail Bridge -tragically all happening at the dead of the night. The storm was unique in many ways. It all started with a formation of a depression with its centre at 5N 93E in South Andaman Sea on 17 December 1964. On 19 December it intensified into a cyclonic storm. The formation of depression at such low latitudes as 5N is rare in Indian seas though such cases of typhoon development within 5 degrees of Equator has been reported in North Western Pacific. The Rameshwaram storm was not only formed at such low latitude but also intensified into a severe cyclonic storm at about the same latitude is indeed a rare occurrence. After 21 December 1964, its movement was westwards, almost in a straight line, at the rate of 250 to 350 miles per day. On 22 December it crossed Vavunia of Ceylon now called Sri Lanka with a wind velocity of 150 kts around 270 Km/hr, moved into Palk Strait in the night and crashed into Dhanushkodi of Rameshwaram island on the night of 22–23 December 1964. It was estimated that tidal waves were 8 yards high when it crossed Rameshwaram. A scientific study of the storm entitled Satellite Study of Rameshwaram Storm by Shashi M Kulshreshta and Madan G Gupta is given at this link external link On that fateful night December 22 at 23. 55 hours while entering Dhanushkodi railway station, the train No. 653, Pamban-Dhanushkodi Passenger, a daily regular service which left Pamban with 110 passengers and 5 railway staff, was only few yards before Dhanushkodi Railway station when it was hit by a massive tidal wave. The whole train was washed away killing all 115 on the spot. All together over 1800 people died in the cyclonic storm. All dwelling houses and other structures in Dhanushkodi were marooned in the storm . The high tidal waves moved almost 10 kilometres onto this island and ruined the entire town. Pamban bridge was washed away by the high tidal waves in this disaster. Eyewitness accounts recollected of how the surging waters stopped just short of the main temple at Rameshwaram where hundreds of people had taken refuge from the fury of the storm. Following this disaster, the Government of Madras declared the town as Ghost town and unfit for living after the storm. Only few fisherfolks now live there. Memorial for Dhanushkodi Victims A memorial erected near the Dhanushkodi bus stand reads as follows: A cyclone storm with high velocity winds and high tidal waves hit Dhanushkodi town from 22 December 1964 midnight to 25 December 1964 evening causing heavy damages and destroying the entire town of Dhanushkodi.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What is Foreshadowingâ€Definition and 10 Gripping Examples

What is Foreshadowings What is Foreshadowing? Plus 10 Gripping Ways to Foreshadow Foreshadowing is a literary device in which an author gives readers hints about what will happen later in the story. Foreshadowing is often used in the early stages of a novel or at the start of a chapter, as it can subtlety create tension and set readers' expectations regarding how the story will unfold. For instance, a mystery novel might use foreshadowing in an early chapter by mentioning something that seems inconsequential - but is actually a clue...By the end of this article, writers will know the secret to crafting gripping page-turners. See? You know something is about to happen, but you don’t yet know how it will come about - and it’s the â€Å"how† that matters. The â€Å"how† is what bridges the beginning to the end or, in this case, the introduction to the conclusion. The â€Å"how† is the information that readers want, and foreshadowing promises to eventually give it to them.Now that we’ve hopefully piqued your interest with ou r own dose of foreshadowing, let’s talk about why this literary device is such a key tool in an author’s arsenal. Types of foreshadowingThere are as many ways to foreshadow as there are stories to tell, so the possibilities are endless. But head to the library and you’ll likely find two broad categories of foretelling in novels: direct and indirect.Direct foreshadowing occurs when an outcome is directly hinted at or indicated. It gives readers a nugget of information, prompting them to want more.Indirect foreshadowing occurs when an outcome is indirectly hinted at or indicted. It subtly nods at a future event, but is typically only apparent to readers after that outcome or event has occurred.Pretty straightforward, right? Now let’s see a few examples of the former in action. What is foreshadowing? Plus 10 gripping ways to foreshadow Direct foreshadowing examples1) The NarratorWe witnessed this example in the introduction of this very post. In a nutshell: the person telling the story provides readers with key information, but leaves out context or other details.Take this opening line from Lauren Oliver’s Before I Fall:â€Å"They say that just before you die your whole life flashes before your eyes, but that’s not how it happened for me.†What we know: The narrator is dead. What we want to know:  How did they die?The key to this kind of foretelling is that it needs to include information that is, well, key to the story. What it must leave out is how it’s key to the story. Think of it as a personal invitation from the narrator to the reader to keep reading.2) The Pre-SceneA gift shared among people who have the uncanny ability to predict the endings of stories is an eye for the â€Å"pre-scene.†These scenes show something that will play an important role in the future - and they usually play out as a brief, toned-down version of the main event.For example, in the first half of Of Mice and Men, Carlson is convinced that an old dog should be put down so that it can have a quick death and end to its suffering. He complies, ensuring the process is as painless as possible, prompting Candy to confide in George:â€Å"I oughtta of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't oughtta of let no stranger shoot my dog.†What we know: The dog’s death is important. What we want to know:  Why is this significant and when will we find out?At the end of the novel, when a murderous lynch mob are on the hunt for Lennie, George begins talking to Lennie about the farm they will one day own, painting a peaceful picture. Then, in a scene that echoes Carlson’s putting an end to the dog’s suffering, George kills Lennie - believing it’s much more merciful to go at the hands of a friend.3) The Name DropIf someone told you, â€Å"Tomorrow I’m going to my friend’s house,† you likely wouldn’t think much of it. But if someone told you, â€Å"Tomorrow I’m going to Reedsy Mansion,† you’d probably want to know more.Similarly, by casually name dropping a place, thing, or person in your story, you signify to readers that this entity is important.See this example in action in the first installment of The Hunger Games:â€Å"When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold. My fingers stretch out, seeking Prim’s warmth but finding only the rough canvas cover of the mattress. She must have had bad dreams and climbed in with our mother. Of course, she did. This is the day of the reaping.†What we know: Something called the reaping is about to happen, and it’s nightmare-inducing. What we want to know:  Well, what is the reaping? What are some of your favorite examples of direct foreshadowing? Which instances of indirect foreshadowing went over your head but made resounding sense at the end? Leave us your thoughts or questions in the comments below!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

I Am Qualified, Why Not Me - Why We Hate HR Case Study

I Am Qualified, Why Not Me - Why We Hate HR - Case Study Example There should have been a policy encouraging promotion from within as the priority over external applicants. It was clearly stated that his performance appraisals are excellent; therefore, he was most qualified for the previous positions he applied for. The only thing he lacked was more confidence in his ability, as when Friedman asked him if he thought he was better qualified than the others they hired, his response was negative. Having realized this, he could effectively apply in future senior positions after duly emphasizing his excellent qualifications and ability to do the responsibilities noted. The benefits of promotion from within policy are that the current pool of human resources who would be the priority for higher positions would be better motivated to perform their tasks and therefore, exhibit greater productivity within their scope of responsibilities. This is advantageous for the firm since increased productivity would tantamount to effective achievement of organizational goals. Such a policy would be appropriate and most beneficial for Crystal since currently employed personnel have already been trained on the rudiments of the firm’s operations and are duly competent to address problems that occur within their jobs. Promoting from within would provide much-needed motivation in the workforce, lessen employee turnover, create job satisfaction and opportunities for greater productivity. The article â€Å"Why We Hate HR† written by Keith H. Hammonds, reported to be the deputy editor of Fast Company published it as a cover story to increase awareness on the reasons why HR remain to be seen as inefficient in linking strategies to the organizational outcome. As disclosed, there were apparently six reasons why HR does not effectively deliver to the achievement of organizational goals: (1) lack of most competent and qualified HR personnel; (2) pursuing efficiency instead of value; (3) the inability to HR to conform and adhere to responsibilities expected by the organization; (4) lack of direct connection between HR goals and that of the organization’s ultimate objective of increasing the bottom-line.  Ã‚  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Importance of Radical Change in Management Practices Assignment

Importance of Radical Change in Management Practices - Assignment Example The concept of organization is a complex process that requires many factors that put into consideration and its successful attainment is an issue of time and in-depth critical assessment of various societal characteristics. It is worth noting that sound management skills are the backbone of any firm’s management. This should capture all the formal and informal interactive approaches in respect of the entire working and business environment. It is important to breakdown analysis of the components of such a successful organizational structure and function in the broader picture of the internal and external perspective. It is worth to underline the level of the organization in terms of the stage of development so that the approaches made are conformable with the challenges and issues present. An organization which has just begun an is still an infant in terms of all the aspects of operation requires less effort to turn around as compared to a firm that has existed for some time a nd has developed in-depth tradition in various departments within the employees, management and the general public. It therefore means that revitalizing an ongoing organization that has been in market for some time is the most relevant issue owing to the contemporary competitive global business market. A complete overhaul of the entire organizational policies has never been effective approach to deal with the challenges that are part of its performance. This means that the management has got to be patient and take ac systematic move in order of priority such that the image of the firm to the public is maintained as internal factors are gradually taken through reforms. The order of actions for rejuvenating the performance of an organization should begin with deeper diagnosis of all the factors that explains the position of the firm at that given time (Boonstra, 2004, pg328). This would form the basis of setting up the most pertinent issues that are key to the survival of the organiza tion as further adjustments are in progress.

Australia's Apparel Industry Analysis Research Paper

Australia's Apparel Industry Analysis - Research Paper Example The Australian apparel industry can be classified into menswear and womenswear market. In the menswear segment the total revenues in 2008 was $3524.4 million. The compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) during the period 2004-2008 was 3.9%. The total revenue generated by the apparel retail industry of Australia in 2008 was $12.8 billion with a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.4% during the period 2004 to 2008 (researchandmarkets, n.d.). The total number of apparel retailers in 2001 was 10,673 and they were distributed across Australia unequally depending on population density. The apparel retailers were mainly located in key cities like Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne. Victoria and New South Wales account for more than 80% turnover in in the textile, clothing and footwear segment (Ahern, 2004). Designer Wears: Australian designers are very well updated of the latest fashion trends in Europe, US and the local trends in Australia. They produce quality fashion products at competitive prices and some of them are also able to compete with international players. Designer wear particularly from Italy are highly respected and accepted by the Australians. Products from Italy usually cater to the premium segment since they are priced high and mainly include high end leather wears. The Australian apparel market like other western markets is highly fragmented or segmented. The segmentation is not only based on income but also on gender, body type, age and aesthetic preference. This result in the market being broken up into small national markets based on lifestyle. Moreover compared to other western countries Australians spend less on apparel because of the moderate climate and their casual lifestyle. Australians spend a large portion of their income on housing, communication equipment and transportation. The price reductions prompted by trade liberalization has reduced the share of apparels in household expenditure considerably in the past ten

Cognitivism and Postmodernism in Rushmore Essay

Cognitivism and Postmodernism in Rushmore - Essay Example My contention is that Wes Anderson makes use of the cognitivisim and postmodernism theories in Rushmore to highlight his characters in a manner that is food for thought about placing the movie in only â€Å"teen comedy† genre. In psychology, the cognitivist hypothesis fundamentally contends that there is a need to open and critically analyse and understand the â€Å"black box† of the mind. In a way, the person undergoing this learning process is taken to be like a computer processor that processes the data provided to it. (Kracauer, 1960) While the cognitivist hypothesis took over from behaviourism in the second half of the twentieth century, it is relevant to serious students of psychology and media studies to this day. The idea is that our human mind is complex and only upon a close look at the way it functions and the thoughts and processes that actually make a person are we able to determine what drives a person and how human beings work. (Bazin, 2004) Moreover the changes that a person experiences in ones behaviour come about due to certain actions that take place and which in turn formulate the person’s thoughts. Cognitivism, hence, is essential in allowing researchers to learn about outcomes of human thoughts and experiences. Rushmore makes an interesting study of this technique, in the form of not only the protagonist, Max, but also Herman Blume, the depressed, rich, industrialist, among other characters. Early on in the movie the audience is treated to a montage of extracurricular activities that Max is involved in at Rushmore. The montage is itself quite telling of the way Max considers things to be fleeting and haphazard – even though he’s on a scholarship at Rushmore, he is one of the most unsuccessful students at this private institute and thus enrols in activities that border on the crazy. It also goes to show the disconnection Max experiences with the world he is a part of. (Kempley, 1999) Things that his fellow students and friends take seriously or consider important in life find are of little interest to him. Max goes on record to tell everyone that his father is a neurosurgeon – it may appear to be a harmless lie (his father is actually a barber) but this lie is another element that cements the fantasy world that Max participates in and would like to see as the truth. The unusual friendship that strikes between Max and Blume is extremely telling, not only in relation to the two characters but also of the American society on the whole. As earlier mentioned, Rushmore is more than just a ‘teen comedy’, it takes pains to highlight the way teenagers are acknowledged in the society as well as the consequences of issues silently eating away a person and ones inability to do anything about it. (Arnold, 1999) Anderson makes use of the postmodernist technique in this effect to give greater meaning to his film. The articulation of postmodernist ideas through visual medium is w hat categorizes a postmodernist film. Generally the characterization and narrative structure conventions are disrupted in a manner that also disrupts the willing ‘suspension of disbelief’ that the audience puts itself under while watching a film. (Denzin, 1991) The friendship between Max and Blume is unusual on a number of accounts. Firstly, they have a good amount of age difference in between, but that’s not everything. As the film progresses, through small telling actions, it becomes apparent that Blume seems in Max the energy of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Fair Trade Movement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Fair Trade Movement - Research Paper Example The contemporary fair trade movement traces its roots back in the 1950’s when it was known as the Alternative Trade Organizations (ATO). Evidently, Alternative Trade Organizations were formed by humanitarian groups that sought to address the pertinent issue of poverty in the developing countries through alleviation measures. To this end, the humanitarian groups adopted the approach of cutting off the middleman from the supply chain of trade between small scale businesses in the Southern hemisphere and small scale producers in the Northern hemisphere (Warrier, 100). Evidently, Oxfam UK intervened by selling craftwork in Oxfam shops which were produced by Chinese refugees (Hutchens, 5). To this end, the result was increased amount of profits for the labour force in developing nations. In 1988, the Dutch chapter of the Alternative Trade Organizations, Solidarid, innovatively crafted a labelling mechanism. Evidently, it aided in the introduction of products within mainstream marke ts without betraying consumer trust in their acts of humanitarian assistance. Background Information In 1964, Oxfam UK formed the first Fair Trade Organization (Warrier, 100). In this regard, there were parallel interventions being undertaken in Netherlands. Consequently, an importing organization known as Fair Trade Original was created in 1967. To this end, Dutch third world associations started to sell sugar cane under the slogan, â€Å"by buying sugar cane, you offer poor people in third world countriea a chance in the sun of prosperity†. Moreover, the third world Dutch groups proceeded to sell Southern handicrafts and by 1969, they opened the first ‘Third World Shop.’ ... Consequently, this led to the creation of numerous Southern Fair Trade Organizations which established networks with the newly created Northern organizations (Hutchens, 5). Evidently, the North and South co-operation was centred on respect, dialogue, transparency and partnership. The mutual goal was towards achieving better equity in international trade. In addition, developing countries were engaged in international political platforms towards addressing the inequality and unfairness in international trade. In this regard, during the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development that took place in Delhi in 1968, the developing nations were addressing the issue of ‘Trade not Aid.’ To this end, the third world countries emphasized on the creation of mutual, and equitable trade partnership with the South. This was in defiance to the North’s approach which was involved in getting all the benefits and offering piecemeal benefits masqueraded as developmental aid. Evidently, development trade has been attributed to the growth of Fair Trade Movement since the late 1960s. Moreover, its growth is attributed to the responsive intervention against poverty as well as partly due to disaster emanating from the South. Its major focus during its inception was the marketing promotion of craft items. The eminent founders of the Fair Trade Movement were drawn from large humanitarian and religious organizations located in European countries. Consequently, collaboration with Southern counterparts led to the creation of Southern Fair Trade Organizations (Warrier, 100). Evidently, the Southern Fair Trade Organizations performed the work of

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both Assignment

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both interact with college students Research strategies for self-m - Assignment Example Most college students face various life challenges, especially when they are fresh in college because college life is a transition phase from dependence to independence. It is during college life that new students have to make independent decisions, manage finance and time, interact with people from various social backgrounds and develop their identity. Therefore, college students face emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges. In the two interviews that involve one member of the clergy and an academic counselor, I will evaluate emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students. Information obtained from research on strategies for self-management, time management, and learning for college students will be incorporated with the information obtained from the two interviews to create a plan that will meet the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of college students. What are the Spiritual Needs of College Students? In an interview with a member of the cle rgy on the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students, it was revealed that college students have various spiritual needs. The clergy, having worked in the institution for several years, has been interacting with college students. ... He confirmed that freshmen need a place to worship. The clergy further said that the place of worship that most college students need should enable them to connect with people with whom they share their faith. This is because college students need enhance their spiritual growth while in college. Do senior college students also have spiritual needs? The clergy respondent to the question by emphasizing that senior college students also have spiritual needs, only that the location and details about place of worship is not a challenge to them because they have stayed for sometime, and they have sufficient knowledge. Given that most people in college have upgraded their thinking, and have learnt some abstract new concept, as students interact with others and instructors, their previous religious beliefs may be challenged and put on inquiry. As result, these senior college students need a place where they can learn about spiritual truth to enhance their spiritual health and overcome any ch allenges to their spiritual beliefs that may be misleading. Senior college students also need to know the truth so that they can make right decisions on the spiritual paths to follow, upon getting sufficient information. The clergy further noted that during his long term service in the institution he had made significant observations. During his interactions with college students, the clergy observed that college students need a stable environment and people to explain and show them the love of Jesus so that they feel they have a place to belong, when it comes to spirituality. What are the Emotional Needs of College Students? My main objective was to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cognitivism and Postmodernism in Rushmore Essay

Cognitivism and Postmodernism in Rushmore - Essay Example My contention is that Wes Anderson makes use of the cognitivisim and postmodernism theories in Rushmore to highlight his characters in a manner that is food for thought about placing the movie in only â€Å"teen comedy† genre. In psychology, the cognitivist hypothesis fundamentally contends that there is a need to open and critically analyse and understand the â€Å"black box† of the mind. In a way, the person undergoing this learning process is taken to be like a computer processor that processes the data provided to it. (Kracauer, 1960) While the cognitivist hypothesis took over from behaviourism in the second half of the twentieth century, it is relevant to serious students of psychology and media studies to this day. The idea is that our human mind is complex and only upon a close look at the way it functions and the thoughts and processes that actually make a person are we able to determine what drives a person and how human beings work. (Bazin, 2004) Moreover the changes that a person experiences in ones behaviour come about due to certain actions that take place and which in turn formulate the person’s thoughts. Cognitivism, hence, is essential in allowing researchers to learn about outcomes of human thoughts and experiences. Rushmore makes an interesting study of this technique, in the form of not only the protagonist, Max, but also Herman Blume, the depressed, rich, industrialist, among other characters. Early on in the movie the audience is treated to a montage of extracurricular activities that Max is involved in at Rushmore. The montage is itself quite telling of the way Max considers things to be fleeting and haphazard – even though he’s on a scholarship at Rushmore, he is one of the most unsuccessful students at this private institute and thus enrols in activities that border on the crazy. It also goes to show the disconnection Max experiences with the world he is a part of. (Kempley, 1999) Things that his fellow students and friends take seriously or consider important in life find are of little interest to him. Max goes on record to tell everyone that his father is a neurosurgeon – it may appear to be a harmless lie (his father is actually a barber) but this lie is another element that cements the fantasy world that Max participates in and would like to see as the truth. The unusual friendship that strikes between Max and Blume is extremely telling, not only in relation to the two characters but also of the American society on the whole. As earlier mentioned, Rushmore is more than just a ‘teen comedy’, it takes pains to highlight the way teenagers are acknowledged in the society as well as the consequences of issues silently eating away a person and ones inability to do anything about it. (Arnold, 1999) Anderson makes use of the postmodernist technique in this effect to give greater meaning to his film. The articulation of postmodernist ideas through visual medium is w hat categorizes a postmodernist film. Generally the characterization and narrative structure conventions are disrupted in a manner that also disrupts the willing ‘suspension of disbelief’ that the audience puts itself under while watching a film. (Denzin, 1991) The friendship between Max and Blume is unusual on a number of accounts. Firstly, they have a good amount of age difference in between, but that’s not everything. As the film progresses, through small telling actions, it becomes apparent that Blume seems in Max the energy of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both Assignment

Interview 1 member of the clergy and 1 academic counselor who both interact with college students Research strategies for self-m - Assignment Example Most college students face various life challenges, especially when they are fresh in college because college life is a transition phase from dependence to independence. It is during college life that new students have to make independent decisions, manage finance and time, interact with people from various social backgrounds and develop their identity. Therefore, college students face emotional, psychological and spiritual challenges. In the two interviews that involve one member of the clergy and an academic counselor, I will evaluate emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students. Information obtained from research on strategies for self-management, time management, and learning for college students will be incorporated with the information obtained from the two interviews to create a plan that will meet the emotional, psychological, and spiritual needs of college students. What are the Spiritual Needs of College Students? In an interview with a member of the cle rgy on the emotional, psychological and spiritual needs of college students, it was revealed that college students have various spiritual needs. The clergy, having worked in the institution for several years, has been interacting with college students. ... He confirmed that freshmen need a place to worship. The clergy further said that the place of worship that most college students need should enable them to connect with people with whom they share their faith. This is because college students need enhance their spiritual growth while in college. Do senior college students also have spiritual needs? The clergy respondent to the question by emphasizing that senior college students also have spiritual needs, only that the location and details about place of worship is not a challenge to them because they have stayed for sometime, and they have sufficient knowledge. Given that most people in college have upgraded their thinking, and have learnt some abstract new concept, as students interact with others and instructors, their previous religious beliefs may be challenged and put on inquiry. As result, these senior college students need a place where they can learn about spiritual truth to enhance their spiritual health and overcome any ch allenges to their spiritual beliefs that may be misleading. Senior college students also need to know the truth so that they can make right decisions on the spiritual paths to follow, upon getting sufficient information. The clergy further noted that during his long term service in the institution he had made significant observations. During his interactions with college students, the clergy observed that college students need a stable environment and people to explain and show them the love of Jesus so that they feel they have a place to belong, when it comes to spirituality. What are the Emotional Needs of College Students? My main objective was to

Mergers and Joint Ventures Essay Example for Free

Mergers and Joint Ventures Essay When a company is first born, the last thing on its owners mind is merging with another company. A merger is sometimes a voluntary and sometimes and involuntary transaction. If a company has found itself in a place of financial difficult or is simply exhausted all its resources to remain open, a merger may be the only way its employees can retain their position. The alternative would be to close its doors and give up. Below we will discuss the differences between horizontal, vertical, and conglomerate mergers and how these differ from a joint venture. Horizontal mergers occur between businesses within the same industry. Often between organizations that share the same space or sell similar competing goods or services. A horizontal merger is simply put two companies who consolidate to work as one to make the goods or services better or more profitably. A good example would be when Hewlett Packard and Compaq merged. Two rival competitors selling similar goods who merged together to continue making products as a team. According to the Minority Business Development Agency, â€Å"a vertical merger occurs when two or more firms, operating at different levels within an industrys supply chain, merge operations.† The idea behind a vertical merger is synergy. When two companies that are not necessarily selling the same type of product or products, but are in the same supply chain merge together to make a more efficient company is synergy. One example of a vertical merger would be if American Airlines merged with Boeing manufacturing company. This would cut out the middle man between American and Boeing, and give American more control of the process, versus having to go through a middle man. Conglomeration mergers are mergers between two companies that have nothing in common. Usually these two companies merge to diversify their holdings. An example of a conglomeration merger would be  like a company that makes ice cream merging with a company that owns grocery stores. Although the two companies are different, one can help the other and thus make a profit for both of the companies. The difference between a conglomeration merger and a joint venture is that a joint venture can be entered into by any two companies working separately from their original purpose on a joint project that will produce a profit for both companies. The companies agreeing to a joint venture do not necessarily have to change their original company structure or management. The original company may be a different entity entirely. Joint ventures enable companies to diversify. All of these mergers are example of companies that joined forces, and either one or both disregarded their individual identity. A joint venture in comparison is when a commercial enterprise is undertaken jointly by two or more parties, while maintaining their individual identities. This could be when a cable company and phone company create a joint venture to offer their customers’ services yet have all their bills on one tab. This makes it easier for companies to offer discounts for bundling services and makes it easy on the customer because they can go to one place rather than several places for different products. References Minority business development agency, U.S. Department of Commerce, (n.d.), Retrieved from N. Jones, 2010. Mergers vs joint ventures: What’s the difference? Retrieved from: