Saturday, August 31, 2019

Discourse On Colonialism Essay

In â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism† mentioned on page two, paragraph three, the author makes a connection with the misinterpretation of how the Europeans thought that those who did not practice Christianity were savages. â€Å"†¦is Christian pedantry, which laid down the dishonest equations Christianity=civilization, paganism=savagery, from which there could not but ensue abominable colonialist and racist consequences, whose victims were to be the Indians, the yellow peoples, and the Negroes.† In Things Fall Apart, when the missionaries landed in Africa, they accused the Umuofians of ignorance for not knowing how to â€Å"properly† practice religion. At the time of Things Fall Apart, religion was associated with â€Å"living things† while the European missionaries said that â€Å"correct religion† came from worshipping gods that were not concrete objects. On page 146 the text said, â€Å"Your gods are not alive and cannot do you any harm,â€⠄¢ replied the white man. ‘They are pieces of wood and stone.† This shows that the Europeans established supremacy over the Africans by denouncing their religion, which ultimately aided their efforts to colonize the Blacks. On the very first page of â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism†, it says â€Å"A civilization that proves incapable of solving the problems it creates is a decadent civilization. A civilization that chooses to close its eyes to its most crucial problems is a stricken civilization.† The same situation occurred in Things Fall Apart with the initial European contact because the Umuofians did not see them as a threat. This led to the decimation of their culture as the Umuofians allowed the Europeans to live amongst them and convert the outcasts. That was the Umuofians biggest mistake because when the Europeans had established a base of converts, it helped them to continue to convert the tribesmen and eventually take over the African tribe. Connections with Kaffir Boy: In â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism† by Aime Cesaire, he talks about the effect he witnessed due to colonialism which he believes â€Å"dehumanizes even the most civilized man†. He is talking about in Kaffir Boy, Mark at young age, witnesses the â€Å"dehumanization† of his father. â€Å"He seemed uncharacteristically powerless and contrite, a far cry from the tough, resolute and absolute ruler of the house I knew him to be, the father whose words were law.† (pg 22). A fine line is formed between races as Mark observes. At the time, the white people had established supremacy over the black people due to the laws of Apartheid. When Mark’s father was being dehumanized, it was a very overwhelming occurrence for Mark because he learned there are individuals who have more power than his father. Page two of â€Å"Disclosure of Colonialism† the author speaks of the â€Å"brutalized and degradation of the colonizer†. The blacks are brutally treated by their own people even. They can take a man and turn him into an animal. Connections to SOAPSTONE Evidence: The diction of Discourse on Colonialism is anger. The author, Aime Cesaire, expresses his opinion concisely, and emphasizes how Europe is indefensible spiritually and morally. â€Å"Henceforth, the colonized know that they have an advantage over them. They know that their temporary, â€Å"masters† are lying. Therefore, that their masters are weak.† (pg 1). In Cesaire’s opinion, the Europeans are indefensible because their actions to colonize are lies to the eyes of Africans. Since these lies are not acknowledged by the natives the Africans can fight back with their religion, and crumble the colonizers without faltering. Even the title â€Å"master† is acknowledged as a lie. The Africans know that the colonizers are not the ones to command them. Cesaire knows that in the perspective of a native. Cesaire speaks without humor. His seriousness can be found throughout â€Å"Discourse on Colonialism†. Many times he points out the hypocrisy of th e colonizers. His criticism of the Christians is relentless. He points out the â€Å"Hitler† side of everybody. Connections with current events Currently in syria there is an uprising in a place resembling the slums in which Kaffir Boy takes place. Mark grew up in a place where jobs were hard to come by, and people were dragged out of their houses at night by the police and were sometimes shot. This week in syria, â€Å"Islamist extremists in Syria’s insurgency killed 150 soldiers in a battle for control of an Aleppo suburb this week, including 51 who were executed after they had surrendered.† The same sort of thing happened in Kaffir Boy, except it was  the opposite with the police killing the civilians, going to their houses at night so the police knew people would

Friday, August 30, 2019

Labeling: Disability and Special Education Essay

What are Exceptional children and what place do they have in our schools? Exceptional children are children who are either exceptionally gifted or children with exceptional learning disabilities. These are children whose performances are way above the average child or way below the average child. When they perform way above the average child, they are called gifted. When they perform way below the average, we say they are children with learning disabilities. Like any other child, these children with exceptionalities are also a part of our society. Therefore it is important that they get the same opportunities as other children. Sometimes these children are clled Special and are placed in a special education program. However there are some children who never attended school. Journal entry II Reflection Journal Entry I What is Labeling? A tag used to identify children with learning disabilities. Types of Labeling – Slow learners, lazy, unmotivated, rude, dumb and disgusting. Advantages of Labeling 1. Had it not been for labeling there would not have been any funds for educational programs for children with learning disabilities. 2. Labeling allows professionals to meet so that they can work together for a common goal to help facilitate children with learning disabilities. 3. Labeling has led to the development of specialized teaching methods, assignment approaches and behavioural interventions that are useful for all teachers including teachers who teach children with learning disabilities (Hallahah and Kauffman, 1982) 4. Labeling may make the majority without disabilities more tolerant of the minority with disabilities. People may tolerate the actions of children identified as having intellectual disabilities than their peers without intellectual disabilities who would be criticized. 5. Labeling the disability spotlights the problems imposed for the public. Labeling can spark social concern and aid advocacy effects. 6. The human mind requires â€Å"mental hooks† to think about problems. If present categorical labels were abolished, a new set of descriptors would evolve to take their place. There is ample evidence of this in the evolution of the term â€Å"mildly disable†. Disadvantages of Labeling. 1. Although all children have some behavioural problems, labels can exaggerate a student’s actions in the eyes of a teacher. A tacher may overact to behaviour of a labeled child that would be tolerated in another. 2. Labels send a clear message. The learning problem is with the student. Labels tend to obscure the essence of teaching and leaning as a two-way street. Some children that are placed in a mild disability category are said to have nothing wrong with them, however they are the recipients of ineffective schooling 3. Labeling shape teacher expectation. Imagine what your reaction would be if you as a teacher were told that you had a mildly retarded child in your class. Studies on teacher expectations have demonstrated that what teachers believe about student capability is directly related to students achievement. 4. Labels perpetuate the notion that students with mild disabilities are qualitatively different from other children. That is not true. Students with disabilities go through the same developmental stages as their peers, although sometimes at a slower pace. 5. Students can not receive special education services until they are labeled. In many instances, the intervention comes too late. The need to students before help arrives undermines a preventive approach to mild learning problems. 6. Teachers may confuse the student with the label. Labels reflect categories of disabilities. Categories are abstract, not real, concepts that the general enough to incorporate many different individuals. Each child is a unique human being. When a student is placed in a category, a teacher who knows some of the characteristics of a category may ascribe all known characteristics to each labeled child. This is stereotyping and it harms children when a teacher rationalize low achievement by citing characteristics of the label. Example: We do not expect John to remember all his spellings vecause he is intellectually disabled. 7. Diagnostic labels are unreliable. Educational evaluation is filled with quirks. /the governments use different description criteria for the same categories; many evaluation instruments have questionable validity and reliability; specific labels go through trends. 8. Labels often put the blame (and the guilt) for a student’s learning problem squarely on the parents’ shoulders. In many cases, this is unjustified because students may be mislabeled or teachers many not fully understand the many different cases for learning disability. More disadvantages Labeling a child with Learning Disabilities may: 1. Cause stigmatization from teacher, peers and parents 2. May lower expectations placed on them 3. Have teachers treat them differently 4. Students may make fun of them 5. Students may have difficulty of being alienated or bullied by the general school body 6. They are unable to participate in school functions or attend different school from their siblings, which can lead to isolation Conclusion. The advantages of labeling were more obvious in the formative years of special education (mid 1940s to early 1970s) then they are now without the category learning disability, advocates would not have been able to promote educational programs for these children. Once a child is categorized with intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, or learning disabilities, this information would be filed an every teacher who comes along will be informed. This reason alone stigmatizes a child. This practice should never be done if it can be helped. Journal Entry III Inclusion: Argument For and Against All m en are created equal. Therefore it is the rights of one and all to be included in a family, school, society or the world for that matter. Whether on is black or white, woman or man, disable or able it is the right of every human being to be a part of the inclusion process. Many persons whose abilities are denied or ignored feels that society has not respected their rights to participate in their fullest capabilities as their peers. So what is Inclusion – Some say it is about all of us, living full lives, our abilities and not a disability issue, opening doors that were once locked for all, equal opportunities and education for all. It is recognizing our interdependence and that we are one, even ehen we are not the same. For Inclusion Many people are for inclusion:- 1. Because of the ever changing world. Because the world is changing, stereotyping is being exposed, allowing moral values to change. 2. Every child has a right to an appropriate and efficient education in his/her local mainstream school. 3. It is unlawful for education providers to discriminate between pupils on grounds of race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion, etc. 4. Changes in world and government policies means equality for all, including disabled people. Respect and equal commitment are becoming more important. 5. Human rights for every individual introduces diversity as rich learning resource. 6. Inclusion rarely cost less than segregated classes when the concept is implemented responsibly (Sklaroff 1994 p7) 7. Gifted children can some times be grouped by â€Å"heterogeneous grouping† however it is said that gifted children work best with gifted children. 8. Teachers who have only low=ability students often times have lower expectation of their students. Journal Entry IV 1. Disabled children are not getting the attention that is needed in the mainstream. 2. Classroom teachers do not always have the necessary resources, training or support system in place to teach children with disabilities. 3. The disabled children are not getting appropriate specialized attention and care. Teachers have neither the time, nor expertise to meet their needs. 4. The regular students are disrupted instantly. 5. Students with disabilities can not cope with the high standard placed on students to improve the academic achievement of students. Luberman (1992). 6. By expending the range of ability levels, teachers are required to direct inordinate attention to only a few students, decreasing the amount of time and energy with the rest of the class. Tonnille (1994) 7. By mixing disabled children with regular students, they would get lost in the crowd and programs would be watered down. 8. Students are subject to negative labeling. Finally it is my belief that children with learning disabilities need their own space. They do not progress academically without individual attention to meet their won specific educational needs. In addition, these students need specialized teachers, teaching them in a resourced room setting to cater to their special needs. However, there are some children with mild disabilities. These children can be a part of inclusion within regular classroom setting with limited disabilities. These children have a better opportunity of progressing, once teachers are willing and able to teach them. Also they get to improve by imitating and working along side average children. They also learn from these children.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bad Habits

Nose Picking Everybody picks their nose at times. Not everybody picks their nose in a public place where others might see them. Many people really dislike seeing someone pick their nose. It’s particularly offensive when the nose picker picks with relish, as though he were embarking on an exploring expedition to some unknown land. If you need to pick your nose, you should do it in private to avoid upsetting anybody else. Bear in mind that your car is not a public place. If you decide to pick your nose on the commute to work, people in other vehicles on the freeway will see you digging for gold. . Gross Eating A lot of people cannot abide bad table manners. They get offended if someone chews with their mouth open, talks while eating, clangs the cutlery against their teeth, or makes vile noises when masticating. Nobody wants to hear the noise of food slopping around inside your mouth, or listen to a sound that is reminiscent of someone stirring a pot of soggy semolina. Nothing you have to say is so important that it justifies showing other people the chewed up piece of steak you are currently attempting to eat. If you are eating in the presence of other people, it’s worth using some manners if you don’t want to annoy anyone. 3. Repetitive Noises Some people have the bad habit of making some kind of repetitive noise. For instance, you might tap your foot, flick your teeth, hit your pen against the side of the desk, sniff, or make a funny throat clearing sound. If a person has to listen to another individual make the same noise again and again day after day, it can start to get on their nerves fairly quickly. The repetitive noise you like to make may comfort you on a subconscious level, but it isn’t soothing for anybody else. 4. Stinking Farts Everybody has to pass gas at some point, but that doesn’t mean that other people want to smell the contents of your colon. Nobody likes to smell a fart. This is particularly true of a fart that is smelled in the public domain. Nothing is worse than walking down the aisle in a department store and finding yourself immersed in a cloud of someone else’s ghastly rectal gas, or standing in an elevator that smells like a recently-used toilet. If you have to break wind and you know you’re probably going to stink, go to the bathroom or at least do it in an empty space. 5. Constant Interruptions Some people just love to talk. They love to talk so much that they cannot let anyone else finish a sentence, or watch a movie in peace. When you are trying to say something and someone else cuts in all of the time, it gets annoying very quickly. If you interrupt someone in mid-sentence, you might as well tell them to shut up because what you have to say is more interesting. When you talk during a movie, you stop other viewers from being able to relax and enjoy it. Is what you have to say really so important that it’s worth annoying others and giving the impression that you are thoroughly rude? 6. Shouting Down the Cell Phone Cell phone technology is not new. It is now unusual not to have a cell phone. Thus most people have encountered at least one individual with an inclination to shout conversations down their cell phone while in a public setting such as an airport departure lounge or a restaurant. Cell phone shouters can be very irritating when you are trying to relax and enjoy your day. It almost seems as though they think their personal business is so enthralling that everybody wants to hear about it when the truth is that nobody else cares. When you must answer your cell phone in public, try to move to a quieter setting. For instance if you are in a restaurant, go outside to take your call. If you cannot go anywhere else, at least try to keep your voice down. 7. Mindless Chatter There are some people who are obviously uncomfortable with silence. In fact silence makes them feel so uneasy that they feel compelled to fill it with the sound of their own voice, even though they don’t have anything remotely important or significant to say. For a person that likes their own space and revers peace and tranquility, such mindless chatter can be incredibly vexing. If you sometimes feel inclined to converse about nothing in particular, or repeat something you said ten minutes ago just because nobody has said anything for a while, then don’t. Go and read a book or find something else to do. There is such a thing as companionable silence.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Plastic ban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Plastic ban - Essay Example Recently, there was a motion to ban the use of plastic bags in Oregon. The aim is to subsidize use of plastic bags by imposing a tax on the consumers (Ketcham 1). The ban on plastic bags will impact negatively on the lives of people economically due to loss of jobs and additional taxes being levied on the citizens. There are many negative factors that will be as a result of the ban. Plastics have been in existence since the 16th century. They are a product of petroleum oil extracts. The extracted chemicals are heated under pressure and then molded into definite shapes for various uses in households and even in industries (American Chemistry Council). Plastic bags are a product of the above process. They have a lot of uses in industries and even in households. Plastic bags are mainly used for packaging purposes in shops globally. This makes transportation of goods convenient. Plastic bags are also used in storage of various substances. They are waterproof and this ensures that the stored substance is not degraded by moisture in the atmosphere. In households, plastic bags are used to collect waste materials. However, plastic bags contribute to environmental pollution. They are non biodegradable and this makes their disposal time consuming and expensive (Friedman 2). The aim of placing a ban on their use is to help reduce environmental pollution by encouraging the ir recycling. It is not economical financially to ban the use of plastic bags in Oregon. A lot of time and money has been spent on funding the debate on the use of plastic bags (Eoin 1). The money that is being exhausted to hire analysts to decide on the tax to be imposed can be channeled into management activities that will produce an overall reduction in environmental pollution. The tax being levied for use of plastic bags by consumers decrease their income. A statistical report by Wayne shows that annually, an individual will use $ 27 in buying of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Johnny cupcakes entrepreneur Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Johnny cupcakes entrepreneur - Essay Example Having never attended any school or classes for Marketing, graphics or design and art, the brand was a result of hard work and innovations. Having been nick named as Johnny cupcake, Johnny come late and Johnny cheesecakes when he worked for a company in Massachusetts. It was the t- shirts he designed with the crossbones and a skull silhouette that made him famous. The actual creativity came in when Johnny replaced the skull with the cupcake had that made his motif on the shirts so intriguing to people. The shirts came in demand when co workers and colleagues questioned him each time he wore them. This originally started in 2001. From his interviews to High school students, lectures to numerous colleges and his tours to institutes like MassArt and cities across America,w e find out that he started young , passionate and obsessed with the idea to bring out something new and fun filled. His vision to be unique and different from other top clothing brands in America is seen in his bakery themed shops and flagship boutiques in Massachusetts. And his desire to attract his customers, like children were fantasized by Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory is what sets him and his journey apart from other entrepreneurs in America. According to Earle, he would have made a lot of money had he started young when he was in school just from the essential and golden guidance from his teachers and instructors but that was not the case. Earle also admits that he can save a lot of money by not insisting on having his shops and outlets of Johnny Cupcakes be inspired by bakery items, colors, scents and designs. However, Earle focuses on his goal of providing a unique experience to his customers, mostly kids and the youth. For Earle, it is essential to do what one loves and not worry about making one. The true spirit of work is when one can do what most affectionately inspires and attracts them. For Johnny Earle, dreams become reality when individuals venture down

Monday, August 26, 2019

Western Australian Economy. Legal and Political Environment Essay

Western Australian Economy. Legal and Political Environment - Essay Example The industrial and commercial sectors have been the leading presentations used to offer the needed ventures to achieve stability in income generation and present stable resource acquisition. Developed societies have excelled in presenting stable economies with a larger share in GDP and proper application of the resources available. With the competition in the business industry to maximize on the available resources, opportunity generation is elevated. The other stable presentation has been in the government provision to offer the needed resources and opportunities to stabilize the economy. Western Australian economy has been the example of the dominant GDPs in the global sector with an elevating sector that is boosted by stable supply in the resources. The economy has been developed based on the principles required in developing stable economies capable of presenting support to the existing population. The economy has grown since 2010 by 3.5% with a stable supply of mineral reserve a nd energy to drive the industries (Government of WA, 2002). With globalization, the existing sanctions and limited operations within borders have been opened to promise free participation of foreign members in exploiting the resources available within the country. The globalization aspect has been noticed to play a significant role in developing the stable economy of Western Australia with resources and energy sources benefiting from the modernization process. Legal and Political Environment The political sector within the Western Australian economy sector has been classified to be advanced into providing the needed platform to conduct business activities. With the economy supported by stronger policies and a stable mining economy, the developments have been subjected towards maintaining the level of income within the industrial sector. The global Financial Crisis (GFC) had been avoided due to the strength of the policies subjected towards developing the available resources and allo wing the needed platform to conduct foreign business (WACAR, 2010). The resources have developed the ideology in the government and legal framework and offer stable employment opportunities and utility of the resources (Scott, 2012). Western Australia covers the region of an estimated one-third within the whole Australia with the majority of the labor supplied by the interstate and international workforce. The other contribution by the WA government has been extended in the provision to offer a $30 billion budget to be supported to development sector (WACAR, 2010). The state has supported the needed initiatives to be invested in development projects to favor the increasing market sector with the labor department encouraging foreign policies to add to the population. With the increasing population, the budget has also been developed to support modern urban housing projects to the increasing population within the economy. The population with the incentive that is given to development projects and the business community prefers the current elected government. The government realizes the need to offer stability within the WA economy by presenting the needed funds to develop the health sector, education and infrastructure. The legal framework is supportive of the reforms to support health facilities and offer strict regulations against the parties that exploit the oil resources. The state government laws support the stable urban system and the by-laws that offer security to the development platform noticed within the region. Financial Climate The economy is greatly supported by the export of minerals in gold and natural gas and boasts of a dominant facility to support the industries within the econom

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Review of a Christian-themed film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Review of a Christian-themed film - Essay Example Amenabar managed to represent the very essence of that terrible era, which we consider the golden age of patristic. His scenes and characters are relevant and at the same time they are clearly correlated with the era, and their historically obvious naivety for us is blown with romantic languishing. The action takes place In Alexandria, Egypt, in the end of IV-V century, when paganism was retreating under the pressure of young and uncompromising Christianity. IV century is the century of triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire. During this century Christians have moved from defense to attack, and from the oppressed religious minority they became a powerful government agency which was imposing its will to the rulers of destroying empire. In 391 in Alexandria religious clashes began, during which was destroyed the Library of Alexandria - one of the richest libraries in the world at that time. A former slave of Hypatia Davus who was secretly in love with her, becomes a Christian too and joined the rioters. Over time, the Christian church is becoming more powerful, and soon Bishop Cyril of Alexandria demanded Orestes and others to renounced Hypatia and forbid her to teach and do science. Hypatia was not able to deal with it and accept Christianity, so she was declared to be a witch, a prostitute and soon was killed. Hypatia is the embodiment of the ideas of modernity, science, secularism and feminism. We can say that she is the progress of the fifth century. But, as is in case with any genius, or with the person, going one step ahead of his time, her history is full of obstacles and difficulties. And the problem here is not only that the filmmakers made Hypatia an incarnation of the virtues, but also (what is more important) because they were trying to oppose the viewer to the heroine, in every respect alien or "otherness" towards us. We have to see her as a woman of her own time. Hypatia, the

Zhang Xin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Zhang Xin - Essay Example Zhang use of these colors on his artwork symbolizes the unity of the human beings which he relates with history. The dark colors on the painting reflect painter’s idea of preventing access to the past and by incorporating such colors and war materials such as armor, horses, and swords into his work, Zhang directly engages the observer with the question of history and memory, reality and truth (Honour and Fleming). I like Zhang artwork because through his paintings, he exposes more information about history as well as bringing about memories of truth and reality. Colors and materials incorporated into the paintings say more about the â€Å"vexed subject† of history. The idea drawn from the pictures is relevant because it helps me understand history more vividly. One thing that does not escape from Zhang painting is his ability to connect his artwork with the great events happening throughout history and the entire view of the world. The attached paint of two cocks fighting elucidates the painter’s genuine creativity whose receptiveness influences a broader range of studies. The fighting cocks expresses strength, majesty and perhaps dynamic forces of the stronger. Just the green color symbolizes healing and perseverance, probably the paint stands for the injustices and oppression of the weak. However, as mentioned earlier, Zhang paintings concentrated on humanity and connectedness with

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Huge Quantity of Heroin Seized in Bronx Term Paper

Huge Quantity of Heroin Seized in Bronx - Term Paper Example The men arrested in this particular operation would be booked for various charges, including those related to other offenses linked to their primary operation of narcotics processing and distribution. But two of the main charges against them would be Criminal Possession of Controlled Substances and Criminal Sale of Controlled Substances, as per the New York Penal Law. Depending on pertinent facts of individual cases, the punishments of these crimes vary from a simple fine to imprisonment for a duration extending to more than a decade.But in this particular case, as the arrested men are a part of a well-organized criminal gang, there is a very small possibility of the eventual punishment being on the milder side. As a matter of fact, it would not be an exaggeration in maintaining that the accused, in all probability, would be handed over a severe sentence. It needs to be conceded that the final punishment in the case would rely on various vital factors such as other facts of the case and the defense, to cite a few. Before focusing on the aspect of the defense, an understanding needs to be obtained about the two Latin Terms –Actus Reus and Mens Rea. This is of utmost relevance for thoroughly appreciating the likely possibilities of this particular case. Actus Reus, which means a â€Å"guilty act†, refers to the actual act that is punishable by the Criminal Law. On the other hand, Mens Rea, whose meaning is guilty mind, refers to the actual intention in the mind of the person, while committing that act.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Fundamental of Marketing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Fundamental of Marketing - Case Study Example It expanded into the European market by acquiring Elkjop, a leading Nordic retailer, and this led to further growth of the business. Further acquisitions include UniEuro in Italy, and other acquisitions in Ukraine and Russia. In Russia, Dixons explored a joint venture with an existing ElDorado, but decided not to pursue the joint venture (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 66). Dixons Retail Plc expanded into Ireland, Greece and the Czech Republic to become Europe’s largest specialist electrical retailer and services company (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 66). All along, Dixons Retail Plc has developed a robust business model, in which the customer has not always been in the heart of the company’s business planning. Initially, the group’s competitive position was focused on the product-focused approach. The company used the ‘stack-em high—sell-em cheap’ positioning statement (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 66). The company’s produ cts were sold in brightly coloured stores that attracted customers by being packed with new and exciting electrical goods. Customer satisfaction was not a central focus to this strategic approach; hence it was overlooked (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 66). However competitors had not missed out in this aspect. Given the marketing environment, Dixons Retail Plc had to devise a marketing strategy to maintain its market share, and even perform better in the market. A formal marketing planning process outlines how the elements of a marketing mix will work together to ensure maximum effectiveness (Grensing, 2013, p 21). The marketing planning process defines marketing goals. It also outlines the strategies that will be used to meet the marketing goals and the tactics, which will be implemented to achieve the marketing strategies (Grensing, 2013, p, 21). Dixons Retail Plc, when devising its marketing strategy, applied a formal marketing planning process, as described next. First, Dixo ns Retail Plc formulated a mission statement by devising a meaningful statement of the purpose and direction of business. The company devised a transformation strategy which would include the customer at the heart f the business. This approach was to be guided by a new positioning statement ‘bringing life to technology’ (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 67). According to McDonald and Mouncey (2011, p, 27), a strategic marketing plan should begin with a mission or a purpose statement. Therefore, Dixons had formulated a new mission or purpose statement to set objectives that its new marketing planning process had to achieve, in the form of a transformation strategy. Second, there were overall objectives that were meant to shape Dixons Retail Plc’s marketing plan or transformation strategy. In this case, Dixons Retail Plc had five, clear objectives for its strategic plan. The objectives include that of laying focus on the customer (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 67). Therefore, Dixons retail Plc was to put the customer at the heart of the business, in devising its strategic marketing plan. Another objective that Dixons Retail Plc set to achieve was that of focusing the portfolio on winning positions (Jobber & Ellis-Chadwick, 2012, p, 67). Thus, the company’s strategic marketing plan would involve investing in areas or markets where it would be assured of obtaining and retaining many

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Client-Server Networking Essay Example for Free

Client-Server Networking Essay What I can think of to return the computer to an operational state is troubling a video problem. It maybe relating to the graphic card and the program that may run with it. The graphics adapter may either be corrupted or installed wrong under a different version. For example if the graphic is supposed to be run on a x64 based window 7 instead of a x86 version. Making sure that your video card must have a display driver installed in order to do anything but the most basic drawing to the screen. If youre having any problems with your video card, one of the first things you should do is download the latest display driver, uninstall the current display driver, and then install the new driver you downloaded. This could help with any other problems that may have occurred. Another thing to remember is to uninstall your current display driver before installing one. If you dont uninstall first then you can sometimes cause some pretty obscure problems. Another potential problem solver is to try another monitor that can handle the screen resolution.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Okonkwo As A Tragic Hero

Okonkwo As A Tragic Hero Essay Question. Is Okonkwo a tragic hero? To answer this question, one must first know the definition of the tragic hero. A tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle is a character who is noble in nature, has a tragic flaw and discovers his fate by his own actions. In Things Fall Apart, a novel by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo can be considered a tragic hero because he meets all of Aristotles criteria by being a tragic hero by being a successful and respected leader in Umuofia, having a tragic flaw, and discovering his fate soon after his action. The first Aristotles criterion of the tragic hero requires that the character must be noble or a man of high status. In that sense, as described by Achebe, Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. His fame rested on solid personal achievements (Achebe, 3). Starting as a sharecropper with no inheritance from his father, Okonkwo works very hard and makes his way to a wealthy and respected man of titles in Umuofia. From his hard work, Okonkwo has 3 wives with many children, a large compound with obi for each of his wives and a large stock of yams. Okonkwo earns himself respect from people both inside his clan and outside his clan through many of his achievements. When he is a young man of eighteen, he brings honor to his village by throwing the Amalinze the Cat, a wrestler who is undefeated for 7 years. In addition, Okonkwo is one of the nine Egwugwu, a respected judge in the community who is believed to be the spirit of the ancestor. Furthermore, Okonkwo is also chosen by his village to be their representative to negotiate with Mbaino village about the murderer of an Umuofia girl in Mbaino market. With ease, Okonkwo successfully brings back a boy and a virgin as compensation and ends the conflict peacefully, without any confrontation. Similar to other tragic heroes, Okonkwo also has a tragic flaw, which is a fear of weakness and failure. While the fear of failure and weakness drives Okonkwo to work hard and helps him earns his fame and achievements, on the other hand, it also causes him many problems. Many times throughout Okonkwos life, his fear of failure and weakness leads him to act harshly, violently and impulsively toward other people, including his family members. Okonkwo is always harsh and violent with his family members because he doesnt want to be seen as a weak person. Okonkwo solves his problems only by the use strength and violence and it is this attitude that leads Okonkwo to several conflicts within his family, his failings and ultimately, his downfall. For instance, Okonkwo violates the clan rule and beats his youngest wife during the week of peace and almost shoots his second wife who comments on his gun skill. Moreover, Okonkwo kills Ikemefuna, Nwoyes close friend whom Nwoye calls brother who as ks for Okonkwos help because He was afraid of being thought weak (Achebe, 43). By trying to be a strong person and deciding to kill Ikemefuna and beats his wives, Okonkwo not only weaken his relationship with his wives and Nwoye, but also hurts himself mentally. Most important, his violent and impulsive characteristics lead him to kill a court messenger from the British during the clan meeting which soon after leads Okonkwo to the discovery of his own tragic fate. The last Aristotles criterion for being a tragic hero requires that the character must discover his fate by his own actions. Okonkwos self-realization starts when he comes back to Umuofia after his seven years exile with a great plan. However, after his arrival, he realizes that Umuofia is much changed and he is not as important and famous as he used to be before his exile. His arrival doesnt attract as much as attention as he expect and he loses his place in the Egwugwu to the another man as soon as he leaves the clan. Moreover, he also has to wait for another two years to imitate his two sons into the ozo society. But most important, Okonkwo discovers that the white men have settled down in the village. The white men establish a church and a school in the village, and then start converting Igbo people into Christian and attacking Igbo customs and faith. Okonkwo is strongly unhappy with this situation and by his violent nature; he persuades his clan to use violence to drive the whit e men out of the village. However, the clan disagrees and reminds Okonkwo that the white men also have some of the clan members supporting them. Although there is no war between white men and Igbo people, the conflicts between these two groups still often occur, including the unmasking of Egwugwu, the burning of the church and the deceptive meeting held by the white men which results in the capture and humiliation of the five clan members, including Okonkwo. However, despite these failings, it is not until when Okonkwo kills one of the five British court members, who are sent to stop the clan meeting that he discovers his tragic fate. When Okonkwo beheads the messenger during the clan meeting and sees that none of his clan members go after the escaping white men, He knew that Umuofia would not go to war (Achebe, 144). He realizes that he will never be able to drive the white men out of Umuofia because his clan will not fight with him. Realizing that he is defeated and cannot save hi s village from the white men influences, Okonkwo decides to hang himself, which is consider as an abomination in Igbo culture. Okonkwos character greatly fits the Aristotles definition of the tragic hero. From nothing, he rises to the honorable and successful leader of Umuofia. He also has a tragic flaw of a fear of weakness and failure that leads to him to several failings and ultimately, his suicide. Finally, he discovers his own tragic fate because of his impulsive murderer of the British court messenger during the clan meeting. Although Okonkwo starts his life as a successful man of Umuofia but because of his violent and impulsive characteristics, even the most successful man like Okonkwo can still falls from his grace. Work Cited Achebe, Chinua.  Things Fall Apart. Oxford: Heinemann, 1996. Print.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Phonological Similarity Effect In Working Memory Psychology Essay

The Phonological Similarity Effect In Working Memory Psychology Essay A considerable amount of cognitive, behavioural research has been conducted on the working memory model and the role of the phonological loop and similarity effects on the serial recall paradigm. The purpose of this study was to extend the existing research available in support of the evidence for Baddeley and Hitch (1974) working memory model and the role of the phonological loop. A group of 18 undergraduate university psychology students were each subjected to two individual visual phonological tests to provide data on recall scores for a set of six similar and dissimilar letters. The data obtained was analysed separately before performing a using a two tailed paired related sample t-test. The results indicated that there was a statistically significant difference in scores obtained on recall of dissimilar and similar letters with higher scores being recorded on recall of dissimilar letters. Introduction The concept of a well-defined form of memory that is able to store information on a temporary basis whilst being utilised in the service of cognitive process is not new idea, but theories regarding the components that make up the short-term storage memory have evolved considerably during the last century (Gross, 2010; Myers, 2005). The proposal of the multi-store model (MSM) by Atkinsons and Shiffrin (1968) introduced the concept that short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) had differing and distinct modes of storing information. This led to a considerable amount of research being conducted on how STM operated (Baddeley Hitch, 1974). Particular attention has been given to auditory and visuospatial input along with acoustically similar or dissimilar associations in the information being stored and the affect this may have on information recalled (Conrad, 1964; Wickelgren, 1965; Schulman, 1971; Atkinson Shiffrin, 1968). In Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) model, the function of STM is said to provide a means of controlling and enhancing information before it makes it into long-term memory. This is done through rehearsal and coding strategies (Atkinson Shiffrin, 1968). In 1974 Baddeley and Hitch introduced their Working Memory (WM) model, a more dynamic system, as opposed to the more passive Atkinson and Shiffrin MSM (Baddeley Hitch, 1974). A definition of working memory can be stated as the collection of cognitive processes that allows information to be held temporarily in an accessible state, whilst in the service of some cognitive task (Baddeley, 2001). One of the important characteristics that differentiate the WM model from the Atkinson-Shiffrin (1968) MS model is the use of two distinct short-term memory buffers, the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketch pad and the argument that the independence of these buffers allow for a greater flexibility in memory storage (Baddeley Hitch, 1974; Baddeley, 1986) These short term memory buffers are two of the four components that make up the WM model (Baddeley, 1986). At the core is the central executive hub, which processes data and cognitive tasks, followed by the two memory subsystems; the visuospatial sketch pad, which processes information received in either visual or spatial form and the  phonological loop  the area within the WM that deals with language information in auditory or visual form. The final component is the episodic buffer, which was introduced 20 years after the model was first proposed, which links all the components of WM with long-term memory to enhance function (Baddeley Hitch, 1974; Baddeley, 1986; Baddeley, 2000) According Baddeley (1986) the phonological loop is comprised of two individual subcomponents; the phonological store, sometimes called the inner ear which holds auditorily presented verbal information and the articulatory control process (ACP), sometimes called the inner voice. Although limits to working memory are easily observed, ever since George Miller (1956) suggested people can recall approximately seven independent, items or chunks of information at a time, it has been more difficult to determine what specific cognitive faculties underlie these observed limits. It has been proposed in several studies (Conrad, 1964; Wickelgren, 1965) that observed limit recall depends upon details of the stimuli. For example, immediate memory retrieval for lists of serial presented verbal information is better when the lists that contain letters or words that are dissimilar as indicated in the experiments performed by Conrad (1959) and Wickelgren (1965). Consequently it is claimed there is a correlation between phonologically similar and dissimilar information input and memory span, specifically that the recall for dissimilar words or letters would be greater than that for the similar ones presented either auiditorable or viusally (Conrad, 1964; Wickelgren, 1965; Muller, Seymour, Kieras, Meyer, 2003; Eysneck Keane, 2010). The aim of this study was to examine the evidence for Baddel and Shiffrins (1974) WM model with the hypothises that there is a greater ability to recall letters that are dissimilar in nature to those that share common phonological similarities. Method Participants A total of 18 participants were recruited from within a group of undergraduate students, enrolled on the Swansea Metropolitan Universitys Psychology Joint Hons degree course. The participants ages ranged between 18 and 51 years, (M =26.89, R=33, SD=10.26). The participant group was comprised of six males whos ages ranged between 24 and 51 years, (M=35.5, R=27, SD=11.47) and 12 females whos ages ranged between 18 and 38 years, (M=22.58, R=20, SD=6.5). Materials The study materials consisted of two sets of six sequence cards one set for the similar letters and one for the dissimilar letters. The similar letter set comprised of the letters P, E, V, T, C and G with the dissimilar letter set comprising of the letters J, H, P, V, X and F. Each participant was given a blank recall sheet to record their answers with researcher using a score sheet to record their individual scores for each set of letters. Design This quantitative within-subject study sought to investigate the scores obtained between two variables using the paradigm of serial verbal recall. The independent variable (IV) being the similar and dissimilar letter sets used and the dependent variable (DV), being that of the recall scores of each participant. Scores were recorded between 0 and 6 for each of the tests; with only letters recalled in their correct positions being positively scored. All the data obtained was analysed using a two tailed paired related sample t-test within a SPSS package. Procedure Both the participants and researchers were all part of the undergraduate psychology course and due to the study being performed as part of their studies, no consent for was required to be signed. Participants were informed of the requirements for the study before each researcher selected two individuals from the participant pool in order to carry out the experiment, with each participant being tested individually and in isolation of the other. The experiment procedure was explained to each individual participant prior to testing, with a test run being conducted in order to assure full understanding was reached. Each set of six similar and dissimilar letters were presented to the participant separately, with each letter card being presented visually for 1 second, with a 2 second delay between the presentations of each new letter. After all of the six letters had been shown a 5 second delay was counted down by the researcher to allow for rehearsal, before the Recall Now card was shown. The participant then attempted to recall the letters shown in their correct sequence of display on the recall sheet. This was repeated for the next set of letters, with the same procedures being repeated. There was no preference of order for the similar or dissimilar letter sets to be shown first. The recall sheets were returned to the researcher who calculated their scores on each of the tests with all scores for each pair of participants collected by the researchers and collated together to give an overall data set of 36 sets of scores. Results Table 1: Comparison of recall scores between similar and dissimilar word sets Test Type Total Score Mean Participants (n) Std Deviation t df Sig. (2-tailed) Similar 130 3.66 36 1.66 2.38 35 0.23 Dissimilar 158 4.39 1.5 Table 1 shows the mean scores obtained for each of the conditions being tested; similar recall test (M=3.61, SD=1.66) and dissimilar recall test (M=4.39, SD=1.5). As the table indicates the participants scored higher on the dissimilar recall test by correctly recalling more letters in the right order of display than when tested on the similar letter set. Analysis of these results show a significant difference in the recall scores, t (35) = 2.38, p Discussion The results obtained in this study has shown that there is a significant difference in the number of letters recalled in correct sequence between similar and dissimilar sets of letters, with dissimilar letters being recalled better than phonologically similar acoustic sounding letters. These results support previous acoustic similarity recall effects in STM research (Conrad, 1964; Wickelgren, 1965; Muller, Seymour, Kieras, Meyer, 2003; Jones, Macken, Nicholls, 2004; Page, Cumming, Norris, Hitch, McNeil, 2006) and in turn support the concept of the phonological loop as proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974) WM model. The study also supports the findings of Smith, Wilson, and Reisberg (1995) in that the visual presentation of the letters sets were processed indirectly into the phonological store component of the phonological loop through the ACP allowing the participants to rehearse the letters observed acoustically using the inner voice. However, there are some concerns on the effects of phonological complexity related to word length including the number of syllables or phonemic length of the letters within words, which suggests that the word length effect in the serial recall task may be better explained by differences in linguistic and lexical properties of words (Jalbert, Neath, Bireta, Surprenant, 2011). It can be argued that studies of this nature have a low ecological value, as they dont represent the real world. Baddeley, Gathercole, Papagno (1998), claim that the function of the phonological loop has evolved in order to facilitate the learning of unique phonological forms of new words. They propose that this is its primary purpose, to store unfamiliar acoustic patterns while more permanent memory records are being fabricated. Despite this study supporting the hypothesis that there is a phonological effect that influences the ability to successfully recall more letters that are dissimilar in nature as opposed to those that share common phonological similarities, the use of the phonological loop in retaining sequences of familiar letters/words is, it is argued secondary to its primary function of learning language (Baddeley, Gathercole, Papagno, 1998). References Atkinson, R. C., Shiffrin, R. M. (1968). Human memory: A proposed system and its control processes. In K. Spence, J. Spence (Eds.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation (Vol. 2, pp. 90-191). New York: Academic Press. Baddeley, A. D. (1986). Working Memory. Oxford: Clarendon Press. Baddeley, A. D. (2000). The episodic buffer: A new component of working memory? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 4(11), 417-423. Baddeley, A. D. (2001). Is working memory still working? American Psychologist, 1-31. Baddeley, A. D., Hitch, G. (1974). Working Memory. In G. H. Bower (Ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory (Vol. 8, pp. 47-89). New York: Academic Press. Baddeley, A. D., Gathercole, S., Papagno, C. (1998). The phonological loop as a language learning device. Psychological Review, 105(1), 158-173. Conrad, R. (1964). Acoustic confusions in immediate memory. British Journal of Psychology, 55(1), 75-84. Eysneck, M. W., Keane, M. T. (2010). Cognitive Psychology: A Students Handbook (6th ed.). Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press. Gross, R. (2010). Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour (6th ed.). London: Hodder Education. Jalbert, A., Neath, I., Bireta, T. J., Surprenant, A. M. (2011). When does length cause the word length effect? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 37(2), 338-353. Jones, D. M., Macken, W. J., Nicholls, A. P. (2004). The phonological store of working memory: Is it phonological and is it a store? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 30(3), 656-674. Miller, G. A. (1956). The maigical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review, 63(2), 81-97. Muller, S. T., Seymour, T. L., Kieras, D. E., Meyer, D. E. (2003). Theoretical implications of articulatory duration, phonological similarity and phonological complexity in verbal working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 29(6), 1353-1380. Myers, D. G. (2005). Exploring Psychology (6th ed.). New York: Worth Publishers. Page, M. P., Cumming, N., Norris, D., Hitch, G. J., McNeil, A. M. (2006). Repitition learning in the immediate serial recall of visual and auditory materials. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 32(4), 716-733. Schulman, H. G. (1971). Similarity effects in short term memory. Psychological Bulletin, 75(6), 399-415. Smith, J. D., Wilson, M., Reisberg, D. (1995). The role of subvocalization in auditory imagery. Neuropsychologia, 33(11), 1433-1454. Wickelgren, W. A. (1965). Acoustic similarity and intrusion errors in short term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(1), 102-108.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Attitude is a Learned Behavior Essay -- Psychology Essays

Attitude is a Learned Behavior Attitude is a learned behavior that can be changed based on the individuals choice and wiliness to change. The Webster’s New World Dictionary defines attitude in three different ways; first is a bodily posture showing mood or action, second is a manner showing one’s feeling or thoughts and third is one’s disposition. In General Attitudes are the feelings and thoughts you have about yourself and how you interact with other people. Attitude plays apart of everything in society’s life, from taking your first steps, going to high school, choosing a college, getting a job and choosing a mate. If attitude makes us who we are, gives us our character, then the question I purpose to you is, can you really get an â€Å"attitude adjustment† or is our attitude defined at birth? For centuries, people have been intrigued with the question of what is human about human nature. How much of people’s characteristics and attitudes comes from â€Å"nature† (heredity, unable to change) or how much is from â€Å"nurture† (the social environment, contact with others) and the ability to change. It is for certain that physical and mental abilities are established by heredity, such as ability at sports and mathematics. As well as the color of your eyes, the size of your nose and your mother’s freckles. While such basic orientations to life, like your attitude, are the result of the environment one lives in and thus fore can be changed. So, what about the nurture side of the equation, or the environment that gives us our attitude? Culture is a system of ideas about the nature of the world and how people should behave in it that it shares—and shared uniquely—by members of a community, that continually judges ones actions, hen... ... that attitude can be changed or at least influenced by our environment. Our attitude is a learned behavior that can be changed by the individual’s choice to make that change. I agree that a person’s attitude begins with their own personal feelings, values, and beliefs, but the knowledge of the values and norms of our culture also can define who we can be or should be. After all, if a person couldn’t change their attitude, then how could they grow and learn or just simply adapt to ones environment. For some parts of life, the blueprint is drawn by heredity; but for other parts, the individual is a blank slate, and it is entirely up to the individual to change what is written on that slate. You alone can make your density great by doing on simple thing â€Å"getting an attitude adjustment†. Attitude is your life, yours affects everybody and everybody’s affects you.

Shark Attacks Essays -- Sharks Ocean Life Attacks Essays

Shark Attacks The serious attacks are mainly by four species. The Bull shark. the Tiger, the Great White and the Oceanic Whitetip shark. The Grey Nurse (Sand Tiger) and the Bronze Whaler have for many years been blamed for many attacks but it seems nearly all were mistaken identity. The Grey Nurse is now protected in most States in Australia. The Great White is the largest and has a high percentage of fatal attacks. The Bull shark is responsible for a lot of attacks on swimmers and people in shallow water. From reports it seems a lot of these attacks were only one bite but a large percentage of the victims died of blood loss and shock. It is likely to be the worlds number one killer shark on swimmers. I have heard of a lot of encounters with scuba divers but have so far been unable to find any attacks. The Tiger shark usually spends daylight hours in deep water and comes into shallow areas around reefs and coastline during the night. It has been responsible for a large number of deaths. This includes swimmers, surfers and scuba divers. Many divers swim with these sharks with no problem but a large Tiger shark is more than capable of killing a human. Overall, there are very few fatal attacks on scuba divers. I have not been able to find any over the last twenty years except for one in 1991 and two in 1993. Ironically these were both in the same month. They were all by Great White sharks. According to the book, Shark Attacks by Mac Mc Diarmid, 9 out of 10 shark attacks happen within 1.6 metres of the surface. One third of attacks are fatal. Most victims are male. Although there have been very few fatal attacks on scuba divers, there have been quite a few on spearfisherman and abalone divers. Many of these fatal attacks have occurred in South Australia in areas well known for Great Whites. Abalone divers nearly always work in areas where seals are present and the water is cool. This is ideal for attracting the Great White. Add to this the fact that they spend an enormous time in the water and it is a recipe for disaster. It was noticed in California USA, that Abalone divers were only attacked north of Point Conception. It was later discovered that the law in North California did not allow abalone divers to use scuba equipment, which meant they spent much more time at the surface. In southern California scuba was permitted! Spearfishing has two major... ... with captive dolphins. The dolphins were bottlenose dolphins--there were 5 in the pod, one of which was a calf. So it could be a female pod. When the three people went into the water, they swam with the dolphins without fins or masks--so they were not as agile underwater as they could have been, nor as equipped as many people are when they are swimming with captive or solitary dolphins. Martin was left alone in the water (his choice). The dolphins initially disappeared on him. Martin saw the shark attack him from the depths. He said he was bitten four times. In one of the attacks, Martin said that he punched the shark on the snout. We do not yet know the species of the shark. The doctors in the Egyptian hospital in El Tur said that it was only one shark and by the size of the bite marks, they believe it was between 4-5 meters (we are looking for someone who is a professional to help identify the species from the bite wounds). It was the dolphins' choice to return and to help Martin. They were not close to him at the time of the attack. They probably took some risk to do this, as there was a calf in their pod. They were not fed by the boat. Thank you for reading my paper.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ismenes Indecisiveness in Antigone :: essays research papers

The play Antigone is usually thought of as either the tragedy of Creon or the tragedy of Antigone, but it is just as much the tragedy of Antigone's sister Ismene. In the play, Antigone and Creon hold on to two different ideals, Antigone to the ideal of sororal duty and holy rights, while Creon holds on to the rules of his kingdom, dominated by the laws of men and of reason. Ismene is obsessed by her role as a woman, choosing to ignore her feelings of obligation towards her family, and remaining completely indecisive and inactive, as she believes a woman should. By the end of the play she is left in the same position as Creon, without any family in the world and feeling partially responsible for the outcome. If Ismene had stood up and done something either to stop Creon from sentencing Antigone to death, or to help Antigone in burying Polyneices, she would in the end be with her family in life or in death, and be better of than being left alone on earth alive. Also the actions of the characters in the play are very comparable to the ideas and strategies of the Greeks and Spartans in Thucydides, written shortly afterwards. Ismene's indecisiveness and lack of action is starkly contrasted with the actions and beliefs of Creon and Antigone, the characters who are most often thought of as the victims. For Antigone, the punishment that characterizes her as a victim is the sacrifice of her life for her personal beliefs about the honor and duty associated with family ties. Antigone's death at the end of the play illustrates the fact that she is willing to die as long as she knows that her brother has received proper burial rites. On the other side there is Creon, who can be thought of as a stubborn and terrible king, but who really is acting just like Antigone, holding onto what he believes firmly in. As Antigone blatantly ignores the laws of the city, and only acts in the direction fulfilling the requirements of holy rites, Creon acts in parallel by ignoring the laws of the divine and only following the laws which as king it is his duty to uphold and preserve. Antigone clearly gives her opinion of the situat ion, and outlines her values that are so important to her while speaking to her sister.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Two English language programmes implemented in school

As general cognition English is of import linguistic communication in our life particularly in Malaysia instruction. In Malaysia pupils learn to listen, talk, read and compose in English. Therefore, the English Reading Corner and Contemporary Literature Programme are implementing in my school, SJKC KUO KUANG, Skudai, Johor. English Reading Corner, a corner in each category, school fix some reading stuffs such as fiction or non-fiction narrative books, lexicon, large books, magazines, newspaper and so on. Students allow to read the reading stuffs while they are free in the category or break clip. Contemporary Literature Programme, a programme under Education Department of our authorities. This is particularly for Year 4 to Year 6 students to read the literature books. The intent of this study is to present two English programme and province out the manner of implementing of the two programmes are keeping in my school.2.0 Contemporary Literature Programme2.1 Purposes and AimsThere are two purposes of the Contemporary Literature Programme. As First, to assist students better their English through reading simple fiction. Second, to supply a continue for the literature constituent introduced in secondary school. There are six Numberss of aims of the Contemporary Literature Programme. By the terminal of their primary schooling, students should be able: To transfuse and all the reading wont among students. To enrich students ‘ vocabulary and linguistic communication content. To heighten students ‘ thought accomplishments. To advance cultural apprehension in the Malayan context. To better English Language proficiency of students. To develop good imaginativeness.2.2 DurationThe Contemporary Literature Programme was carried out whole twelvemonth for pupil twelvemonth 4, 5 and 6. For the teaching period on SJKC, we utilizing 1 English linguistic communication period every two weeks to learn students read their narrative book which is provide.2.3 Target GroupThe Contemporary Literature Programme is mark on pupil Year 4, 5 and 6. No affair that they are good pupil or bad pupil they must develop in this programme. This programme precedence for under accomplishing schools and rural schools. The book chosen for each set are 40 % fiction books and 60 % non-fiction books. The full Student ‘s accomplishment will be recorded in Reading cards or books.2.4 Report on executionWith the implemented of the Contemporary Literature Programme, Our school design the programme based on 3 space. First, the intensive reading programme based on 3 prescribed texts per twelvemonth. Second, Genres consist of short narratives and ve rse forms. Third, every pupil provide with 3 books, with the premise that a pupil will be able to finish 1 book in 3 months. In our school we select the books which are suited for our pupil ; we choose the books based on 5 considerations. That is the subjects and rubrics that appeal to 10-12 twelvemonth olds, suited garrison size, and good quality paper. Beside this, taking suited linguistic communication for both rural and urban pupil is of import to increase their involvement. Last, choose the interesting plot line with embedded moral values so that they can go on to read. This programme is running on schoolroom clip that is structured into 3 phases, which is Pre-reading, While- reading and Post-reading. Because of we be aftering complete 1 book in 3 months so usually we separate it in one phase per month. We design the phase of reading in four instruction program and English instructor must province down all the activity they are be aftering. Teacher ever spend the clip steering with the students either as a whole category or in groups and students are non asked to get down with reading on their ain before they are ready. Here, I will describe on some activity ever been utilizing by English instructor to success this programme. In Pre-reading phase, Teacher will inquire students present the book screen, title page and besides ISBN page. Discuss artworks on the front screen of the book with students and inquire students to foretell the rubric of the narrative. Then, teacher will inquire students predict plot lines based on the given outline and where the narrative takes topographic point. Following, teacher introduces subjects utilizing object or image stimulations to association of thoughts and questionnaires on subjects in the reader. Beside this, instructor will discourse with students about the background information, such as, the writer ‘s life, finishing information grid utilizing writer ‘s life. Last, teacher introduces linguistic communication and vocabulary points before start reading to do them experience comfy when While-reading phase particularly hapless pupil. For illustration, inquire students happen out the hard word or vocabulary they are non understand the significance, so inquire them construct into group and happen out the significance utilizing dictionary by themself. In the 2nd phase of instruction, it is called that While-reading phase. This phase is of import to assist students understand the book. At the first, students will be given appropriate entry points in the narrative for them to foretell the narrative. Some instructor prefer allow their students speaking about the scene of the narrative and students fix a clip line in group to allow them understand the narrative. Following, instructor besides will inquire students to foretell results, instructor can accept all the reply if it is in the scope of acceptable. Teacher helps pupils to understand the plot line with prepare a narrative map in the group. Then, Teacher and students must speak about the characters in the narrative to place the characters and their features. Besides that, they can speak about the events in the narrative and role-play the events in the narrative and other students inquire to reply some simple inquiries to do certain they understand the events of the narrative. Las t, pupils ask to re-tell portion of the narrative in one ‘ ain word to better their assurance while speaking. In the last phase, Post-reading activities are carried out after students have read the whole book. It is sound like contemplation. They are to research beyond the text by utilizing the text as a footing. The activity etc. reassign information from the text into a notice, an advertizement or a missive. Teacher will assist students develop their critical and originative thought accomplishments such as ask students talk about one ‘s favourite event in the narrative. Teacher will be develop pupils composing accomplishments from book reappraisal or do a pagination in group. Besides that, Some instructor like to inquire students do the vocabulary edifice activities to group words harmonizing to classs to assist them maintain in memory.2.5 Strengths and failings of ProgrammeThe execution of Contemporary Literature Programme was success. The students can read at the terminal of category. However, there were some strength and failings found when transporting out this programme. Strengths of the Contemporary Literature Programme are we work hard to taking suited book for pupil to promote they read more on clip to clip. Teacher steering the pupil in schoolroom clip so that when they have job of reading or Confuse the significance of the word instructor can work out the job on the topographic point to heighten the effectivity of learning. Beside this, pupils reading in category with their schoolmate can increase the feelings between friends and they will experience Learning are non entirely. They besides love the activity like games, crossword mystifier, it can do they experience that this clip of reading is different in other period, is like playing non analyze, but they study when they are playing. Unfortunate every programme has failings. After us running in school we recognize that this programme merely reading in schoolroom is good but non plenty for our pupil they are more interested in singing and moving. And the continuance of this programme is non plenty because when we utilizing 1 English linguistic communication period every two weeks is merely do them read a few book merely. Now a twenty-four hours, our pupil largely involvement in Virtual universe like cyberspace or on-line games more that reading books, if we maintaining utilizing old manner to learning we become disused in the hereafter.2.6 Suggestions and recommendationsIn order to do Contemporary Literature Programme successful in the hereafter, I would wish to give some suggestions and recommendations. First, it is suggested that the continuance of Contemporary Literature Programme to be teach in 1 period per hebdomad same with SK. That will enable students reading more books and instructor can make more activit y with students excessively. Second, activity of instruction can be more interesting and different types of activity such as moving the characters, holding little competition and given some present to promote preform more active in category or holding a marionette show and so on. I am certain that interested activity will be more attractive. Last, instructors should utilize information engineering in their schoolrooms illustration teacher utilizing PowerPoint or flash to demo the outline of the book, secret plan, subject or characters briefly, I think this is the manner to raise the involvement of students, and students will be more dressed ore in our instruction, more response from students mean that our programme is success and meaningful.3.0 English Reading Corner Programme3.1 Purposes and AimsThe purpose of English Reading Corner is to develop involvement of reading English Language stuffs among students and consolidate their basic linguistic communication from age of seven. While reading the stuffs, students learn the accomplishments of reading, speech production, composing and grammar from the related activities. There are seven Numberss of aims of the English Reading Corner. By the terminal of their primary schooling, students should be able: To promote students pass on in English while they are giving their feeling. To better spelling while students composing the reading studies. To consolidate the BASIC of English and grammar accomplishment. To heighten the bravery speaking and showing their reading study to audience. To develop reading intelligence among students. To transfuse moral values. To enrich students ‘ vocabulary and linguistic communication content.3.2 DurationThe English Reading Corner was carried out whole twelvemonth in our school from the 1s t twenty-four hours student in school. Students are reading all sort of reading stuffs while they are free in schoolroom, after instructor ‘s teaching period, after completing their prep or at the interruption clip. Teachers spend some times to prepaid for this corner and doing some activities after their text edition instruction in category.3.3 Target GroupThe English Reading Corner Programme is target on all the students in school ( Year 1 to Year 6 ) . The English instructors of every category as a coach for the students to promote them to read, to compose, to describe and doing some activities after the students reading a book or intelligence. Besides of instructors as a coach, the better students can be a coach to assist those schoolmates who do non understand while they are reading. Students can larn each other to acquire new information and cognition.3.4 Report on executionThere will hold many sorts of reading stuffs in the English Reading Corner, such as narrative books, large books, magazines, newspapers, dictionary and so on. All of these reading stuffs are taking out from school library or patrons by students. The English Language Panel in school will discourse in the English Language meeting and so taking the suited reading stuffs before the school start. The Story book and large book is taking from school library based on criterion of our pupil. The newspapers – â€Å" New Straits Times † or â€Å" The Star † or magazines are sponsor by each category students. They bring from their place to portion the information with their friend in category. Students are allow and promote to read these reading stuffs while they are free in the schoolroom, after instructor ‘s teaching period, after completing their prep or at the interruption clip. English teacher as a coach are ready to assist the students who meet jobs while they are reading. Apart from this, the first-class pupils besides can be the coach and assisting their schoolmates who meet jobs. There are dictionary in the corner. Junior students like Year 1 pupil can utilize it to larn how to utilizing dictionary and senior students can utilizing it to look into the vocabulary that they are non understood. Teacher will name a group of pupil to manage this English corner, responsibility of them is make certain the corner clean and tidy, assisting schoolmate while they are holding job. And need to mend when book are rake or breakage. Sometimes, after the text edition instruction in an English Language period, instructors will doing some interesting activities such as story-telling, recite verse form, brainstorming of IQ inquiries, crossword mystifier and so on in the English Reading Corner. There are some activities can make in the corner. First, pupils read a short narrative or an article from magazine or newspaper. After that, the pupils can state the narrative to their friends, portion their narrative each other. Then, teacher guides the pupils to do a study or speaking about their feeling in forepart of the category. This can heighten their bravery while speaking and showing the reading study to the audience. At the interim, instructor encourages others students to inquire some inquiries or speak about their sentiment related to the study or feeling. So, a conversation is making between the students and instructor. These can better their speech production and listening accomplishments. Besides, teacher guides the students to associate the study or feeling with the moral values. This is one of the manner instructors can transfuse the moral values to the students and bring forth a good attitude coevals. Second, after students reading in the corner, they are composing a study and go through up to their instructors. In their reading study, they need to do a decision sing what they had read. From the decision, students have to name out the rubric of book or article, what they have learned and what the moral values in the narrative or an article from newspaper or magazine. Virtually, students are larning the good attitude to form their thoughts. This is besides bettering their authorship, spelling and grammar accomplishments.3.5 Strengths and failingsThe English Reading Corner was success. All the instructors and parents gave to the full support and cooperation. Students are bettering in their hearing, speech production, reading, composing and grammar. Students can pass on in English. The worst students can talk in simple and short sentences excessively. Their authorship accomplishments improve twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Their betterment makes them go more assurance and som e of them start to love English. They feel proud when communicate eloquence in English. And experiencing glorious because of household and friends praised. Students get more cognition after reading newspaper in the English Reading Corner. This type of cognition non merely from school input but worldwide. Students can larn the new words and vocabulary after reading the narrative and look intoing the significance utilizing the lexicon. The failings of this programme, instructors lack of times because they need more times to steer students to speak, to believe, to give sentiment in the English Reading Corner besides of their day-to-day instruction to cover the text edition and workbook course of study. In SJKC, there are non more than 6 periods of English period in a hebdomad. Teachers truly do n't hold adequate clip to run this programme swimmingly. The reading stuffs are one of the failings. Story books in school are non plenty and some of the stuffs are non suited for the Year 1 to Year 3 pupils. Most of the narrative books are non interesting as they have no colourss, no images and full page of article. These make students experience bored on them. Dictionary, every English Reading Corner merely got one lexicon. A category of pupils portions a lexicon, that truly non plenty.3.6 Suggestions and recommendationsIn order to do the English Reading Corner more eloquence in future, instructors can pass some times after school to transport on this programme. We can set up the clip and do a timetable, so that is convenience to the students and instructors to remain back after school. Then, instructors can concentrate and cover their learning while in category. Besides that, we besides need to hold some account with parent to allow them understand that and set up their timetable to pick up their kid. Second, I suggest that school can utilizing the instruction fund or PIBG fund to purchase more interesting reading stuffs that are suited for primary school pupils particularly Year 1 to Year 3 students. The books must be colourful and full of attractive images such as large books. The juniors prefer that sort of books really much because large books give nice ocular effects and the narrative lines are attractive. Even the seniors besides like this sort of book really much. Dictionaries are much needed excessively. A lexicon is the good assistant in student survey live.4 DecisionIt is hoped that the English Reading Corner Programme and Contemporary Literature Programme that is implementing by the English Language Panel of my school, SJKC KUO KUANG, Skudai, Johor can be benefitted by all pupils form Year 1 to Year 6 ; no affair they are superb or weak pupil. Hope that every student in my school can read right, listen clearly, speak assurance and good written. Based on the failings and recommendations, the English Language Panel of my school besides hope that to foster better the English Reading Corner Programme and Contemporary Literature Programme in twelvemonth 2012 in order to do usage of English Language more seeable in our school.States the intent and outlines the content of the study compactly at the start. Historical background is so provided. Clear, well-organised Table of Contentss.

Friday, August 16, 2019

No Child Left Behind

The government’s legislative body has made a number of programs aimed to deal with education problems without knowing the impact of these programs to the local needs. Every child and parent is greatly affected with the quality of education being given in public schools. The No Child Left Behind Act (2001), generally acknowledged as NCLB, is a United States federal law signed by President Bush on January 8, 2002 reauthorizing several federal programs endeavoring to advance the performance of American primary and secondary schools through escalating principles of accountability for school districts and states as well as offering parents supplementary flexibility in preferring which schools their children will go to (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). Its main objective is improving the standard of education for all schools in America. The three key provisions of the act are: annual reading and math assessment of students in grades 3 to 8; awareness of parents, teachers, administrators and students regarding the test results, including the quality of the education provided by the school and the qualifications of teachers; and putting or assigning students according to categories such as economic status, sex, and learning ability to determine the school capacity to cope with the needs of learners. (The White House, 2007). NCLB has four important goals: †¢Ã‚   Increase accountability for student performance Each state must have standards in math, reading, and science, annual testing for all students in grades 3-8, and adequate yearly progress (AYP) objectives for all student subgroups. Successful schools will be rewarded; continually failing schools will eventually be restructured. †¢Ã‚   More choices for parents and students Students attending schools identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring must be offered a transfer to a better public school and/or supplemental academic services. †¢Ã‚   Greater flexibility for states, school districts, and schools This pertains mostly to streamlining federal funding, including grants. †¢Ã‚   Putting reading first More money will be available for scientifically based reading instruction programs (phonics) so that all children will read by third grade. Competitive grants are available through the Reading First Initiative and Early Reading First program. Overview and Purpose The USCO or Unsafe School Choice Option (Elementary and Secondary Education Act, section 9532) of 1965, as improved by the 2001 No Child Left Behind Act, states that each State getting finances under the ESEA should employ and create a state-wide rule obliging that students who are enrolled in a continually unsafe public elementary or secondary school, or learners who happen to be victims of a violent illegal offense while in or on the public school premises that they attend, be permitted to attend a safe public school (Department of Education United States of America, 2004).   Each State in America should write a letter to the Secretary confirming that the State has complied with the requirements, as a condition of obtaining funds from ESEA. Local and school board policy/rules Policy is a very important role of the school board in our education system. Like the city coucils, state legislatures and Congress, school boards created the structure and direction of their schools by implementing policies through the power granted by the state representatives. The Board of Education is dedicated in upholding a secure and drug-free location in all school districts. Policies of school boards have the same power as decrees and ordinances. They set objective, assign authorities and create rules that make school management and authority possible (Canal Winchester Local School District Bylaws & Policies, 2007). Policies and Guidelines of School Boards are checked as it deals with the 2001 No Child Left behind Policy. School Board Policies should include: safety measures at school and while learners are on the way to and from school, suitable and effective school regulations that forbid the illegal custody of weapons, unruly behavior and the illegal distribution, use and possession, and trade of drugs, tobacco and alcohol by students; prevention actions designed to keep the environment safe and drug-free; and a system policy for all students that affirms the tasks of administrators, instructors and students in preserving a safe classroom environment (Canal Winchester Local School District Bylaws & Policies, 2007). NCLB is the most recent federal legislation ratifying theories of standards-based schooling restructuring, previously acknowledged as outcome-based education that is derived from the principle that high prospect and setting of objectives will bring about achievement for students (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). The act requires that schools allocate the name, address and home phone number of all students enrolled to armed forces recruiters. The district will use the school choice option as one response to incidents of victimization.   Additionally, the district will develop and implement appropriate strategies for addressing the circumstances that contribute to or support victimization, as well as consistently and proactively manage individuals who have victimized pupils.   The district will promote the importance of school safety and respond to the needs of pupils and staff.   Pursuant to the law, the district will provide an opportunity for pupils, parents and school district and law enforcement personnel to discuss methods for keeping schools safe from violence; to create school safety plans; and to recognize pupils in need of help. The district will organize activities to prevent school violence, including, but not limited to, age-appropriate opportunities for pupil discussion on conflict resolution, issues of pupil diversity and tolerance.   Law enforcement personnel will be invited to join members of the teaching staff in the discussions.   Programs shall also be provided for school district employees that are designated to help school district employees recognize warning signs of school violence and to instruct school district employees on recommended conduct during an incident of school violence. Each State Educational Agency or SEA must increase objective standards to apply in classifying persistently dangerous schools, which are merely not influenced by assumption, emotion, and impartiality.   Such standards should include areas that parents would consider in deciding on a level of safety for the school, and the number of violent offenses. Objective information that could be used as objective criteria consist of records that detail the number of recommendation to law enforcement group for carrying a firearm to school, physical fights or presence of gang on school premises. On the contrary, subjective data might consist of information gathered in a focus faction concerning community-wide view of safety. The gathered objective data that aid each State to identify persistently dangerous schools will have to be attributable to individual school locations and must be both reliable and convincing (Department of Education United States of America, 2004). The objective of the statute is to avoid unnecessary hindrance to student’s learning and to promote a better safety and security for the children. Elementary teachers have to pass state tests indicative of their subject familiarity and teaching proficiency in writing, reading/language arts, mathematics and further subjects of basic elementary school syllabus.   The teachers of middle grades and high school have to pass state examinations in all academic subject categories they teach, along with an undergraduate major, graduate degree, coursework corresponding to undergraduate major or higher qualifications. Teachers are not new to the occupation must have a bachelor’s degree and should pass state test indicating teaching skills and subject knowledge. These credentials have caused some dispute and complexity in implementation particularly for the special education teachers and teachers in rural schools who are commonly requested to instruct various subjects and grade levels (U.S. Department of Education, 2003). Schools acknowledged as needing enhancement are requisite to give students with possibility to make use of public school selection no later than the start of school year following their credentials for school enhancement. NCLB sanctioned (and Congress has consequently appropriated) a considerable boost in financial support for Title I aid, to give subsidy for school districts to put the law’s parental option requirements into practice. Advocates of the Act state the legislation offers parents better educational options for their children, supports accountability within public schools, and helps close the accomplishment gap between white students as well as the minority. The NCLB aims to demonstrate achievement en route for these goals through federally directive standardized assessment therefore, this Act should extend to levels of learning (The White House, 2007). Opinios and Views In summary, I support No Child Left Behind because it gives importance on methods and instruction that have been confirmed to work. Making billion-dollar investments yearly, this policy ensures children on their third grade, learn how to read. Since the law’s reaction if the school fails to make sufficient development is not simply to offer further aid for students, but to entail as well disciplinary measures on the school, the encouragements are to place expectations lesser than higher and to augment separation by race and class and thrust low-performing learners out of school in general. References Canal Winchester Local School District Bylaws & Policies (2007). School Safety. Retrieved August 31, 2007, from Department of Education United States of America (2004). Unsafe School Choice Option. Retrieved July 18, 2007, from NCELA (2006). Montana and No Child Left Behind. Retrieved July 18, 2007, from The White House (2007).  Ã‚  Ã‚   Foreword by President George W. Bush. Retrieved July 18, 2007, From U.S. Department of Education (2003). No Child Left Behind A Parent’s Guide. Retrieved July 18 2007, from    No Child Left Behind The school has failed the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† requirements for the past 2 years. In order to change the situation, the strategy of appreciative inquiry was implemented. Owing to this step, all of the school’s employees got a new vision of what cultural activities children really need. The concentration of past successful experiences instead of problems was very useful to achieve present success. Since the school has failed the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† requirements for the past 2 years, it requires an efficient change strategy in order to achieve positive results in future. The strategy of the appreciative inquiry is the most efficient in culture change in the public school. The strategy consists in making investigations of all the cultural activities which have been successful in this school during the last couple of years, identifying their positive influence on children, and looking for ways to repeat the previous success through the series of new cultural activities. The strategy of appreciative inquiry is the only strategy which would be efficient in such a case. Traditional change management activities are not going to help because they focus on the problem. In order to make a radical culture change in this school, it’s necessary not to focus on the problem but to investigate pervious positive experience in order to inspire the members of the team. The strategy of appreciative inquiry is applicable in this case because it â€Å"takes a different approach by focusing on what works in an organization and creating a series of statements that describe where the organization wants to be, based on the high points of where they have been. Because these statements are grounded in real experience, people know how to repeat the success and thus have a greater energy to make more moments of success than when presented with a nebulous vision of the future.† (Geof Cox, 1998, p.1) In order to achieve maximum success, the team has include school teachers of all levels, school’s principal. The project has to begin with making all of the teachers in the team remember all kinds of cultural events which took place at school and were enjoyed by students. During this meeting, all of the children’s needs have to be identified through the prism of the results of previous activities which they were engaged in. In the research process the following activities would be identified as the most interesting for children: acting in plays, participating in poetry and music contests, taking part in sports competitions. All of these activities had a great success among kids in the previous years, therefore the success of them in future can be predicted easily. f) The intervention of the new vision would have to last for about 2 months during which all of the mentioned activities had to take place. Many teachers were involved in the process of preparing the activities for children, and their current vision would adapt to the new one in the period of around 2 months. g) The results of appreciative inquiry strategy could be seen in the next half a year because all the teachers got a new vision of their role in the school- not only as people who have to bring knowledge to kids about different subjects, but also as leaders of different cultural activities in which kids could apply all of their talents and abilities. The chosen strategy has turned out very successful, and brought positive results. The strategy of appreciative inquiry is very efficient in such a case because â€Å"by focusing on the successful examples in the past and present, we build a picture of the themes and ideas that we know we can do, and that work. We develop an individual and collective mindset of what we are capable of that is grounded in reality.† (Geof Cox, 1998, p.2) The main implications which could occur in the strategy implementation consist in some teachers’ resistance to change and their little desire to participate in the change process. However, by making them realize the positive influence of the strategy on the cultural life at school, this resistance could be brought to the minimum. The strategy of appreciative inquiry has turned out very efficient in making the school fit into the requirements of the â€Å"No Child Left Behind† vision because owing to it, all of the school’s employees got a new vision of what cultural activities children really need. The concentration of past successful experiences instead of problems was very useful to achieve present success.                                              Bibliography. Geof Cox. Appreciative inquiry. Edinburgh, Scotland., 1998.      

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Cinematography in Lawrence of Arabia Essay

Said to be one of the greatest films of all time, Lawrence of Arabia, a 222-minute movie directed by David Lean released in1962, achieved numerous accolades from popular award-giving bodies, among them the award for Best Cinematography. Through its cinematography, the desert was transformed into a character and major motivator of the film’s narrative, which was achieved through numerous ways. In the initial portions of the film, the desert was featured as calm, quiet, vast, mysterious and beautiful, which was why Lawrence expressed much excitement towards his assignment as an English army soldier. The extraordinary shots of the desert sunrise, and the extreme long shots of Lawrence (and his army) with the desert as its backdrop were breathtaking as they seemed like still photos from postcards. Pan shots from left to right denoted their journey, which were all skillfully captured on film. As the movie further unfolds, however, the desert assumes a different character as it shows its less appealing side – how it can be harsh, ruthless and merciless, without giving much preference to who or what it desires to take. This is shown during the times when Lawrence and the soldiers are having difficulties crossing the desert without water supply, and when one of Lawrence’s helpers is taken under a quicksand. Despite the bleakness of the circumstances, the sequences were still deftly shot and presented to the viewer. And then again, it changes further later on when it becomes the venue for bloodshed, as Lawrence stages wars and succeeds in conquering more territories. In some way, the desert seems like the love interest of the main character in the film because quite noticeably, there are no female characters in the film’s entirety. It was also expressed by Lawrence himself that he liked the desert because it was clean. Somehow, it seemed like Lawrence saw the desert as directly contrasting his character because although his actions may have been glorified by the Arabs, Lawrence knew that he was just a pawn in the power play of those who were in authority. The desert provided Lawrence a way to be a hero for others, which is the rationale for his decisions to go into battle.